
Irish Related Topics => Irish Air Corps => Topic started by: IRL227 on July 13, 2007, 07:17:05 pm

Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: IRL227 on July 13, 2007, 07:17:05 pm
I've been told that the Brigadier General of the IAC has told a representative of Birr Airport that they'll be getting a grant for the airport to have a 950m tarmac runway built and for a new apron to be built so that the IAC could use it. I've been told the plan is to base 1 PC-9 there and the IAC will operate training flights around the area. Can anyone clarify if theres any truth to this?
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Fouga on July 13, 2007, 11:29:56 pm
The AC to "De-centralise"??? Hope so, lets see the CASA's move now too, one to EINN and the other to EICK!!!
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Spook on July 14, 2007, 08:45:14 am
The area around the airfield in birr is getting very built up ,so it would be a bit strange, The home owners near by might be a little less than happy with the increase in traffic.That said there ,is a lot of military training flights around the offaly area . :ghostface:
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: SousaTeuszii on July 14, 2007, 09:32:03 am
Why would the Air Corps operate PC9s out of Birr?

The expense required would be substaintal and for no good reason.

No maintenance services or support
No Crash Rescue
No instrument approaches

and all this to save about a 15 min flight to get to the area. Sounds like wishful thinking on behalf of somebody in Birr to me.
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: P.Doff on July 14, 2007, 01:11:58 pm
See the CASA's move!! Hope not! Some of us have settled this side of the Shannon and it would be a right pain in the a@#e havin to uproot again or have to explain to the better half and kids that you'll be gone for weeks on end!! No thanks,Ive done my fair share of hopping from place to place. Maybe the up and coming next generation of Air Corps lads and lasses would see it different! Of course thats just me, if I had to go I'd take one for the Corps  buttrock .
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: FiannaFail on July 15, 2007, 06:35:04 pm
Yes we need to have more than one base. But Birr? I would feel either Knock, Shannon or Sligo would be better. Move the Casas and PC-9Ms but only when it would be decided to increase their numbers- perhaps 4-8 more PC-9s and two more Casas. pilot_cool
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Turkey on July 19, 2007, 07:58:01 pm
Need another base?
What was wrong with gormo'? which has closed ,presumably to be gifted to some developer.....
And why would we need more PC-9M,s?
I see no real advantage in moving the Casa's from Bal' even if there was an increase in use....
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: sealion on July 19, 2007, 09:15:44 pm
Isn't much of the Parachuting in the DF done out around the Birr area?
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: clog on July 19, 2007, 09:55:39 pm
Gormo is still very much in use, i was down there 3 weeks ago for a gunnery course. In those 6 day's i saw a lot of Pc-9's simmulating base attacks, AW-139's low passes (Base patrol), All 3 where regulars, ATC was manned every day ect.

The hangars are full of crap though, (electronic voting machines  :angry: -waste of space and money, anyway). The aircraft crash investigator crowd are there aswell.

with a new hangar and a longer runway a perfect place for another CASA.   :laugh:

Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Fouga on July 19, 2007, 11:30:48 pm
Quote (Turkey @ 19 July 2007,10:58)
What was wrong with gormo'? which has closed

Well do you want relatively "new" PC9m's on grass strips?
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Turkey on July 20, 2007, 09:37:24 am
err, correct me if I am wrong but was'ent a tarmac runway built there in the 80's ...........
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Pink Panther on July 20, 2007, 02:52:12 pm
Gormo has a hard surface runway.
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: RMR on July 23, 2007, 02:32:07 pm
Its not in use by the aircorps clog.The pc9's down that day was a very rare event.I was wondering what was going on up there,a nice little display all the same.The only other times they're down is for the air to ground shoots.The runway is out of use,the odd helo might drop in every once in a while.would be nice to see it in use again.
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: Joe McDermott on July 23, 2007, 05:08:19 pm
Gormanston's runway had 3 large white X's painted on it some time back to indicate to pilots that it is not in use.

Attached photo courtesy of "Freightdog".
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: P.Doff on July 24, 2007, 06:53:17 pm
With regards to the CASA's again. The only advantage of moving them to the west coast would be to increase their endurance on Marpats by a mere 45 mins!! And considering they do 7 hours at a time already I dont think thats good economy seen as all the maintenance is done at the Don.
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: clog on July 25, 2007, 09:12:32 pm
Sorry for that false information RMR, i hadn't gone down there before so i thought this was just a normal day.

Appoligies again. pilot_cry    :)
Title: Air Corps To Use Birr?
Post by: RMR on July 30, 2007, 07:39:34 am
No worries clog, it was a nice little display ,some nice inverted flying and low level runs up the beach... :)