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Messages - Paul McA

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Aviation Waffle / Re: Anybody there?
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:37:43 am »
Still here too,haven`t uploaded any pics in a while,must try harder.

Aviation News / Re: PILATUS PC-24 Unveiled
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:34:57 am »
Sure looks the part,but will it be built and sell?

Aviation Waffle / Re: Queenie
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:02:27 am »
May well not use the BAe 146/BAe125,but as it`s a state visit you never know.
Last visits to N.Ireland they used a leased Cessna 550 or 560,they seem to keep it low key here and seldom use the Royal Flight.

It should show on flightradar24 as they will have a squawk code.

Aviation Waffle / Re: the end of the road for RAF Hercs!
« on: January 22, 2011, 04:24:37 pm »
From what I hear,the C-130K`s are getting the chop very soon and the C-130J`s are to be retired 10 years earlier than planned as the A400M comes into service.

Not much good news coming from the RAF at the moment. :(

Military Photography / Re: Machloop October 2010
« on: January 22, 2011, 04:14:08 pm »
Brillant action shots,and nice to see some of the Harrier-still can`t believe it has got the chop.

Some crazy and dangerous descisions in my opinion.

Rumors the R1 Sentinal is also for the chop when the Afghanistan mission ends.

Looks like the RAF/RN have been well and truely kicked in the nuts. :'(
I think the F-35 is an expensive and unproven aircraft-why not just buy new Harriers?;probably because the yanks don`t want to build them anymore (The Harrier project went to McDonnell Douglas as BAE could not afford to develop the aircraft on it`s own)

The two carriers are to go ahead,but one will NEVER be used-can`t find any logic in that  :duh:;and to axe the MR4A project only a few months before it was due to enter service and cost over £3.5 Billion is plain bonkers  :jaw-dropping:

I wonder if the 4 Rivet Joint aircraft lease/purchase is still going ahead?

Site Information / Re: To watermark or not to watermark
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:29:50 am »
Watermarks in photos can be a real pain,but your idea Frank of allowing members to view the pics without the watermark is a good one. :applause:

I have had a few pics stolen by a local Helicopter company recently,not lifted from this site-but I have had some difficulty getting them removed.

I have no problem letting company`s or magazines use my photos as long as they ask permission and credit the photo correctly.

Stealing pictures and doctoring them for use on other websites (especially commercial sites) does seem to be a growing problem-the helicopter company that stole my pictures have failed to respond to my emails and seem to think they can just ignore copyright law-WRONG!

I now have a solicitor involved,due to the arrogance of the company involved;I`m not interested in monetary gain: I just want to make the point that stealing photos for commercial use is not acceptable,and illegal.

Sadly at this point in time I don`t know what "vintage" aircraft are due to take part in the flypast/display.

As I mentioned info is hard to come by at present but if I hear of anything I will post it up.

From what little info regarding this event there is,it appears thet the Festival will run for 2 days but any flying displays will just be on the one day (7th August).

The Reds still have to carryout a feasibility study to see if the venue is suitable,but I don`t forsee any problems except the Mournes might get in the way a bit ;)

I believe there is also to be some sort of flypast of various vintage aircraft,but as I mentioned earlier,info is very thin on the ground at present.I have trawled through loads of airshow act sites to see what else maybe lined up and found nothing.

So looks like a wait and see job.

Irish Air Corps / Re: Why, how and what jets the IAC should get.
« on: April 11, 2010, 07:46:33 pm »
Well thanks for the replies and sorry to hear about your job Frank, Im unemployed myself at the moment. There were some decent points made there but my arguments still stand. Lets take the reasons to have jets first.

1.The hijack scenario is very possible, so we should have jets and yes, I would have one or two permanently in the sky for this reason.

2. Civil War in the North. Very possible at ANY time. Theres a lot of unfinished business up here whether you like it or not and the " Peace Process " is a joke for reasons too numerous to mention. Dont let it fool you as I said. WHEN it kicks off next time, note that I say WHEN, not IF, you will all be dragged into it. No we wont be going up against the RAF as some dismissive poster said, because the RAF wont be here, or cant you see that ? They will have withdrawn. We need jets to support our ground troops who will have to go into the North to finish this once and for all. The British will have already done a back door deal to leave the North which will ignite said civil war. I believe, as do others that this is their ultimate plan. The British said quite some time ago that they have no " strategic " interest in staying in the North. In short we need jets in the event that this happens.

What the hell do you mean by our troops will have to up there and finish this once and for all?!!
How dare you ! You are nothing but an ignorant bigot!

People in Ireland North and South are sick and tired of violence,the peace process may well be flawed,but it`s a hell of a lot better than having people being shot or blown to pieces on a daily basis

Oh, and by the way for your information the RAF have NOT left Northern Ireland;there are over 100 RAF Personnel still serving at Aldergrove which is now under Joint Helicopter Command(RAF,AAC and RN)

Aviation News / Re: F/A-18E Pilots Suspended for this..
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:45:54 pm »
Seems incredibly stupid to strip the two crew of their wings for this. :duh:
Flypast was at good steady and controlled speed,in excellent conditions.

I note in the report the Naval officer is quoted as saying below 1000ft is not allowed by Navy rules-what about the Blue Angels (US NAVY) display team flying UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco every year???

A slap on the wrist and a fine would be a much more sensible option-ok it was a little bit stupid but not reckless and looked perfectly safe to me.

Irish Air Corps / Re: Why, how and what jets the IAC should get.
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:24:37 pm »
The L-159 is indeed a very capable aircraft and good value to buy and operate-that`s about the only sensible thing I can see in your post.

"2. A possible Civil War scenario in the North, which can happen ANY time. Dont let the Peace Process fool you"

The above comment is ridiclous and insulting.

The NI Peace Process is deeply flawed but the idea of a Civil War is utter nonsense.

Irish Air Corps / Re: How Many Of Us Think The IAC Should Have Jets ?
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:36:12 pm »

I'm aware of that ...that is why I said "incl variants of same" in my post.

Sorry missed that bit  :oops:

Irish Air Corps / Re: How Many Of Us Think The IAC Should Have Jets ?
« on: March 08, 2010, 01:16:58 am »
To be strictly accurate the USAF do not operate the Pilatus PC-9;they operate Beechcraft T-6A Texan II which are based on heavily modified PC-9 airframes but are built and marketed by Beechcraft.

The US Army did operate 3 PC-9`s but sold them to Slovenia in 1995

I will get my coat

Irish Air Shows / Re: Portrush Airshow - Cancelled
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:29:59 pm »
The Airshows at Newtownards and Enniskillen seem to have disappeared as well,so it looks like Northern Ireland has lost all it`s airshows :thumbsdown:

Newtownards/Enniskillen was to be a bi-annual event last time I heard,but the idea seems to have been forgotton about;real shame as both airfields seem to be doing well,with development at both.

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