
Irish Related Topics => Irish Air Corps => Topic started by: Spook on November 16, 2005, 12:29:04 pm

Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Spook on November 16, 2005, 12:29:04 pm
Proof of life,D246 flying today over you can see very low,droping in for a visit.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Spook on November 16, 2005, 12:32:32 pm
Another pic of D246,forgive quality of photo,was a bit rushed.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Dublin Spotter on November 16, 2005, 01:28:04 pm
It will be a sad day to see these leave the fleet...
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: pilatus on November 16, 2005, 04:11:03 pm
as i speak right now(4.08pm wednesday) a dauphin is flying circles over letterkenny,i think its getting ready to land at the hospital?!im going to head up there now and have a wee look!dont have a camera on me just the 1megapixel camera on my phone so il try to get some pics for you all,but they will be low resolution!
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: pilatus on November 16, 2005, 05:08:02 pm
dam!its gone!still dont know if it actually did land or not?sorry couldnt get an i.d on it! pilot_sad
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Fouga on November 16, 2005, 08:48:19 pm
Lovely pics mate! :)  Is that a Barracks she is going into or just training?
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Spook on November 16, 2005, 09:39:13 pm
Middle of Tullamore,did not see exactly where as I was too far away. ???
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: sealion on November 16, 2005, 11:17:57 pm
Quote (Dublin Spotter @ 16 Nov. 2005,13:28)
It will be a sad day to see these leave the fleet...

It was a sad day when the Spitfires left the fleet, It was a sad day when the Vampires left the fleet...It was a sad day when the Fougas left the fleet, but the fact is the Air Corps is attempting to be a modern military air wing, and the mistake that was the SA365Fi is in the way of that progress.

Good bye to the 4/5. If we lived in a fair society they should all have been grounded and immediately replaced post July 99.

RIP Crew D248
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: SousaTeuszii on November 17, 2005, 09:55:12 am
Im afraid that is like tarring all helicopters with the same brush. Any helicopter utilised in the wrong role is a mistake and is a problem with its user, not the aircraft. As I stated before the 365s were bought as Naval support aircraft. It was government fast footing that ended up with the 365 on SAR. Unfortunately on that sad day there were many mitigating circumstances as laid out in the final report by the AAIU. Ultimitely the 365s lack of range proved critical and in my opinion should never have been on SAR. What annoys me is that it is very conveniant to blame an aircraft type for the failings of people who never even received a slap on the wrist.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 17, 2005, 10:04:57 am
Why should they have been grounded after the crash in waterford??? Your statement makes no sense.
I was a member of No. 3 Spt Wing when that crash took place and i certainly don't remember any major feeling that the type should be removed from service.
Every time there are fatal air crashes should all of the type involved be automatically grounded permanently?
Ther is nothing wrong with the SA365fi as an aircraft. The problem is its unsuitability for some of the roles it was used for. For you to say it should have been grounded permanently in 99 is over simplifying the situation
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: GoneToTheCanner on November 17, 2005, 09:51:00 pm
Hi Tech Crew
I agree with the thrust of what you say.Hasty grounding is of no use to anyone.Personally,I've always regarded the Dauphin as being overloaded for far too many of it's tasks.In the desire to show off how useful it was, they tasked it with every job going.There was never any point in using it for VIP or troop dropping or routine liaison, dragging around a deck harpoon,winch,SAR gear,search radar,etc,etc.I always believed that it's cabin was too small from day one...It was a real case of trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot.
With regard to 248's loss,I remember the shock pervading the Don, as if the reality of aviation's hazardous nature had finally hit home, more so than any other crash in the Don's history.It also brought home the institutional weaknesses in the Don, from a technical/aeronautical/structural/management point of view.If it did nothing else, it set the ball rolling to get real change happening in the place.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 18, 2005, 09:30:21 am
Unfortunately the powers that be tried to squeeze the Dauphin into every role known to man. It was discovered quite soon that it was unsuitable for troop carrying due to the size of the cabin and the weight of fully kitted troops which meant fuel had to forsaken. To this day a111 still carry out this role.  
We all know that the Dauphin was not suitable for medium range SAR. It is ironic that the sar off Waterford in which D248 was lost was in fact an in shore, short range job. It proves no matter what ac you have that a combination of circumstances and bad luck can unfortunately lead to a disaster.
Gttc, you are correct in your comments on the mood around the Don after the trgedy. In Helis, we have had our crashes over the years and since d248, but the shock within the unit to lose four members was something that had never been felt before.

Outside of this the Dauphin as an ac was quite enjoyable to work on as a Tech. I can't speak for the pilots who flew her but I certainly considered her a good ac when used suitably
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: John K on November 19, 2005, 08:33:53 pm
GttC, thanks for those words of wisdom! they should have consulted the SAR crews before they signed up to buy what was then a very sophisticated helicopter. Not long before this the Puma was on trial and it was far more suitable for the multi role needs of the Air Corps, but at that time the pilots wanted something they could play with, never mind that the cabin was too small, or that the door was too small for SAR, troop work, etc, they wanted all the buttons to play with. Mind you the Puma would have had trouble landing on the Eithne! But it would have been a far more useful aircraft.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: SousaTeuszii on November 20, 2005, 07:36:25 pm
John K,
As said a number of times already, the Dauphin was selected for Naval Support not SAR. The government decided that it should go on SAR not the pilots and if you could show me a pilot that would prefer to fly a Dauphin over a Puma ill show you a fixed wing pilot! pilot_laugh
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: sealion on November 20, 2005, 08:29:56 pm
The NS wanted a Navy Lynx for naval ops, the Air Corps wanted a super puma for SAR.
Someone, on a visit to Aerospatiale, saw the Dauphin 2 and decided(or was convinced) that it could do the job ot both.

Jack of all trades, master of None. thumbsdown
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: SousaTeuszii on November 20, 2005, 10:47:14 pm
Again the Government. Like buying the Styer with butter the Dauphins were offered at a discount for Irish votes in an EU (EEC?) Vote. Clever French never mentioned that they were once off avionics testbeds, just played on the fact that they were the worlds first five screen EFIS helicopters. Frankly i dont think the government would have cared, but ask any tech what the main proplems were A&P or avionics? pilot_angry
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: pilatus on November 21, 2005, 12:05:53 pm
Quote (SousaTeuszii @ 20 Nov. 2005,13:47)
Again the Government. Like buying the Styer with butter the Dauphins were offered at a discount for Irish votes in an EU (EEC?) Vote. Clever French never mentioned that they were once off avionics testbeds, just played on the fact that they were the worlds first five screen EFIS helicopters. Frankly i dont think the government would have cared, but ask any tech what the main proplems were A&P or avionics? pilot_angry

where they actually the first 5 or are you just saying that?would have they not have got the pumas cheaper also as they were made by the same company?!
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: SousaTeuszii on November 21, 2005, 06:17:43 pm
Believe it or not these actually were the worlds first 5 screen EFIS helicopters! however remember that these were bought as Naval support helis therefore the Puma was unsuitable, the SAR role was tagged on later.
These Dauphins were also cheaper as they were avionic testbeds, hence only 5 of this fit ever existed making spares procurement for the avionics a nightmare. There were also suspicions that one of the airframes had been used in floatation tests for the USCG Dolphins, they got extra rear floats, hence the corrosion in 244 i think.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 22, 2005, 09:56:25 am
Where did you hear that one!! That is the first time I've ever heard that mad idea

Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: pilatus on November 22, 2005, 09:05:09 pm
well lets see the evidence before we start rubishing the claims!interesting indeed!
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 23, 2005, 09:47:31 am
So you honestly think that Eurocopter submerged a dauphin airfrme for test purposes and then pawned it off on the dumb paddies. Maybe Turbomeca gave them two Arriel engines to to ditch aswell!! Lads come on. Whatever about selling us an unsuitable ac for the role we required its a big leap to claim we were sold ac that weren't airworthy.

You can't beat a good conspiracy theory!! :D
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: GoneToTheCanner on November 23, 2005, 01:12:41 pm
Hi all
I'm not so sure about the Dauphins being the first 5-screen EFIS helis.Maybe so, in Ireland....I did hear that the avionic fit was unique to Ireland and that the only customer with anything similar were the Saudis....The story I heard was that the Don's Dauphins had the first fully integrated computer system, driving the avionics (NADIRs,ADIRUs?), which was similar to the set-up in Airbuses.The stuff is old hat now but at the time, it was brand new and the Don was, in effect, the testbed.Stupid for such a small air arm,really.
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 23, 2005, 01:43:22 pm
Correct Gttc. The saudis had the closest version of the Dauphin to us. They were designated as 365F whilst the Irish version was the 365Fi.  " i " obviously standing for irish. Ours where so unique that a French engineer who had been a supervisor on the original Dauphin assembly line back in the seventies and was still an engineer with Eurocopter was very keen to get a close look at the 365Fi in the flesh whilst he was over in the Don. This guy instructed on the 365 all over the world but had never seen in the flesh the combination of gizmos on the irish ones. He knew the 365 like the back of his hand from practical experience and teaching yet was amazed at the version we had bought.

maybe he could have told us if we had got shafted with dunked airframes!!!! :D
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: SousaTeuszii on November 23, 2005, 02:03:42 pm
Tech Crew,
You are correct that the Irish Daupihns are modeled on the Saudi F models, even down to the weapons hard points on the aircraft but the Irish aircraft are full five screen EFIS, unheard of at the time.
As for the dunked airframes it only relates to 244. Unfortuately I have no proof of this as it was just talk amoungst senior techs. I believe however that 244 has suffered from a lot more corrosion problems then even 245 which was the other Naval variant. Perhaps you could check it out and let us know?
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 23, 2005, 07:07:36 pm
Sousza Teuszii

I've been out of the Don for a few years now so I have to rack my brains to try and remember stuff. I can't think off hand of  specific corrosion probs with 244. A huge percentage of the ac was composite which made running repairs a disaster as we didnt have a composite repair shop.

As regards exposure to a saltwater environment the naval variants had no extra exposure over the non naval ones. This was due to the fact that all ac were used for marine SAR and suffered equal exposure to saltwater.
When on a stint in  Finner we would do an engine wash on the ramp after the last planned flight of the day before the the ac shutdown.The airframe would then be hosed down with freshwater before hangering. Great fun at 1.00am in january!!
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: GoneToTheCanner on November 23, 2005, 10:32:57 pm
Hi all
TC, I remember seeing the heli lads trying out repairs on damage to the doors.They were trying to get the repairs to set in the open hangar floor, which was a complete waste of time.Such repairs are very temperature-critical.It led to a lot of parts being scrapped, that might otherwise have been repaired.
Another thing that puzzled me about the Dauphins was the replacement rate of oil tanks.They seemed,to my untutored eye, to be scrapped at a fierce rate.Any clues, TC?
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: Tech Crew on November 24, 2005, 09:43:22 am
We used to carry out more repairs on A111 panels than Dauphin ones. Because the A111 ones were coming on and off all the time for maintenance they took a right hammering. I remember when we were still in the old hanger repairing A111 panels with Araldite in the winter and having to put a dozen panels with slowly curing araldite in Clippers prefab. This was a small prefab office within the hangar used as a logbook office but it had the benifet of a small electrical heater. High tech stuff !!!

Dauphin panels were stronger and took less abuse from vibration and during maintenance so less repairs were required

I 'm trying to remember about the oil tanks. I think the way the were affixed the transmission deck sometimes caused chaffing which over time caused leaks. I stand to be corrected on that
Title: Dauphin 246
Post by: GoneToTheCanner on November 24, 2005, 08:40:24 pm
The oil tanks were made of very light-gauge "aloominum" and were dented very easily.I remember the welders being asked to try and repair them and failing.