
Irish Related Topics => Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page => Topic started by: UKD on August 21, 2006, 08:15:38 pm

Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: UKD on August 21, 2006, 08:15:38 pm
this is a notice to all class members of the 1966 crowd that the 40th reunion will take place in the Heritage Hotel in Portlaoise on Sat. 30th Sept.
Lads are expected to line out complete with wife/partner/other?
for full gen contact Ulick at the email below or at Airmotive 01/4011111.
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: Tony Kearns on August 21, 2006, 09:18:35 pm
Hi Ulick,
How's it going?
Tony K
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: John K on September 05, 2006, 12:13:52 am
Hi Ulick, did you notice what it says under your name-RECRUIT! Hope you have a good re-union.
Best wishes, Johnny the Brit
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: dinger dwyer on September 12, 2006, 10:19:38 am
Hi Jonnie
I thought you would have a bit of respect for your elders. Dont mind him UK, but be carefull the zimmer frames dont get stuck in the carpets. (and dont forget to get the plastic sheets!)

PS if anyone is in the Dungarvan area on the 14th Oct. us young 50 somethings (37th class) will be having a few lemonades in the Mill House Hotel-drop in and we can all sit around and tell some lies.
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: Williamdj on September 12, 2006, 12:33:51 pm
Hi folks,
Looking forward to being in Portlaoise on the 30th.
In the meantime have a look at these:

Might bring back some memories/nightmares
If you think anyone else might be interested, pass it on.

Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: R.P.Y. on September 12, 2006, 10:16:18 pm
Hey Dinger,
Thought the Mill Race was in Bunclody?
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: dinger dwyer on September 13, 2006, 10:33:08 am
bang on RPY
it is Bunclody-the head starts to slip around this age-or maybe it is the 'Killers grub' kicking in!!!

PS do you have any gen on this place-let me know.

Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: John K on September 15, 2006, 11:24:40 pm
Jeez, Williamdj, how did you get them to keep still posing for those photos? Have you still got the plate negatives? I'm surprised that cameras had been invented back when you were a gungy!
Only joking! Great to see those photos, no wonder they'd brought in some super troopers to do basic training when I joined in '76! But the legacy still lived on.
Hope you have a good get together, Dinger, nothing doing from my crowd, maybe we'll get our act together for the 31st anniversary!
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: Williamdj on September 17, 2006, 09:36:51 pm
We'll have to get our hands on these young lads slagging us and show them what being a real apprentice was all about.
God, we should bring back John Hanton and really make them sweat.
By the time they got to the Don there was probably carpet on the floor and pink curtains on the windows and maybe they even had hot water!!!!
John K if I can attach the oul' camera to the Zimmer frame and stay on the medication long enough, I'll get some pics and stick them up here.

Best  wishes
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: John K on September 19, 2006, 11:33:14 am
Williamdj, we knew what it was like to have it rough! Have you ever tried to vacuum AND shampoo the carpet down No.5 corridor? All the time with a senior telling you that you were the "Gungiest Junior" he'd ever seen!
Who else was your crowd that I'd remember, I was there from '76-85.
I came over to BA at Heathrow then, I worked with a couple of 'Old Sweats', Ruby Wells, Ollie Egan, Pat Fortune, Brian O'Donaghue-all retired quite a while ago now. The next lads I know are from '71 and '72. Jim Mansfield, Declan Judge. They're still around.
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: dinger dwyer on September 20, 2006, 10:43:40 am
hi Williamdj-some great photos there. Steve Power looked his usual 'fat' self and Ulick was looking as flash as ever!!!
thanks for the 'young lad' remark-makes me feel better already!!!
John K as the film said-'build it and they will come' if you want a session you will have to organise it yourself and the bodies will turn up.Failing that we have a reunion every year-come along for a few pints and a natter and I promise you we will not bring the polish!!!  yikes
Johnnie give my regards to Panda and Judge.
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: Williamdj on October 02, 2006, 10:36:04 pm
Well folks, we went, we saw, had a few drinks, good food, a lot of laughs, even better memories. I spent most of the time talking and catching up. did'nt take any pics although everyone else did; so hope to get to see these over the next few weeks. But a great time was had by all = so, roll on the next one.
To JohnK - not a Zimmer frame in sight - yet!!!

Hopefully other people will write better reviws of the weekend for inclusion here, but for the moment this is definitly one guy who was glad to have been there.

PS to any group thinking about a re-union - don't think - Do!
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: Claudel Hopson on October 05, 2006, 11:52:59 am
Hi williamdj. Just spoke to Jim Byrne last night about the weekend ye had. He said he and Anne enjoyed it so much and that it was great meeting "old", pardon the pun, friends that he hasn't seen for many years, swapping stories and catching up.

He also mentioned a ggod few of your crowd that I knew but never associated with the 66 class.

I was one of the 74 class and we didn't have carpet on No. 5. JK you had it real cushy!!

Hi Dinger, how are you and maggot getting on these days. Maggot looks good in the suit.

Did ye all hear that Paul Nolan passed away weekend before last. Very sad especially as Mary went a few years before him.
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: John K on October 05, 2006, 10:30:32 pm
Sad to hear about Paul, Claudel. Just the mention of his name brings memories!
Didn't you have the pleasure of vacuuming the Axminster down No. 5? Or did I dream it!
Only Joking about the age thing William, I'm sure the basic training you did in the 'Don set you up for later years!
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: John K on October 05, 2006, 10:32:29 pm
Sad to hear about Paul, Claudel. Just the mention of his name brings memories!
Didn't you have the pleasure of vacuuming the Axminster down No. 5? Or did I dream it!
Only Joking about the age thing William, I'm sure the basic training you did in the 'Don set you up for later years!
Title: Class reunion 1966
Post by: papa 242 on October 10, 2006, 10:15:18 pm
Hi Claudel,
Really sad to hear about Paul,another one of the old gang gone.As John said, great memories.