
Irish Related Topics => Irish Air Corps => Topic started by: Tucco on January 21, 2004, 03:32:32 pm

Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Tucco on January 21, 2004, 03:32:32 pm
Two Marchettis.  One clearly armed with pods.  One not. Flying circuits over Dublin city centre.  GASU flying similar circuit at lower level.
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Viper on January 21, 2004, 06:16:43 pm
And making some nice noise while they were at it :)

Anyone know why only 6 of the 10 Marchettis were bought with the capability to carry weapons?
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: IAS on January 21, 2004, 06:24:41 pm
Cost I think, plus, if memory serves me, they are supposed to be heavier and were probably only needed for basic training.

Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: FiannaFail on January 21, 2004, 08:15:53 pm
They are protecting our airspace from international terrorists and drop outs etc etc. There is an EU Justice meeting being held in Dublin tomorrow. Better be safe and ready than not!!
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Tucco on January 21, 2004, 08:32:51 pm
Wow, and you figured all that out by yourself?

Yep, I guess one unarmed, and one armed, 1970s turbo prop would frighten the bejaysus out of anyone planning an attack.

Still, good to see us attempting to enforce no fly zones. :;):
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Guinness on January 21, 2004, 09:05:08 pm
From a friend of mine in the USAFE I heard that F-15C's out of RAF Lakenheath will have a "large exercise in CAP" over western UK.

Guess anything to do the above [:glare:

Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: yellowjacket on January 21, 2004, 10:45:25 pm
Quote (Tucco @ 21 Jan. 2004,11:32)
Yep, I guess one unarmed, and one armed, 1970s turbo prop would frighten the bejaysus out of anyone planning an attack.

Guess what, it's good old fashioned piston power keepin the Marchettis in the sky. :)
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: tashkurgan on January 22, 2004, 09:22:10 am
Interesting, I wonder who is doing the GCI control for the CAP SF-260s? Sounds like we're ready for those nasty Stukas.
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Tucco on January 22, 2004, 11:40:55 am
Stukas!......Pistons!     LOL. :laugh:
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Claudel Hopson on January 22, 2004, 03:06:01 pm
All the SF260's could be armed. The chances of having all 10 "S" were always going to be slim.
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Frank on January 22, 2004, 06:49:57 pm
Hi Guys,

Here's a picture of some armed Marchetti's for you.


Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: FiannaFail on January 22, 2004, 09:26:31 pm
Great photo Frank. I think we are all a little safer knowing that they are up in the sky protecting us.... at least until the PC-9Ms arrive!
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Guinness on January 22, 2004, 10:11:18 pm
Dear FiannaFail,

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guinness :D
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: John K on January 23, 2004, 12:49:09 am
Hey Guinness, it hasn't taken you long to cop on to FF!!!!
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: alpha foxtrot 07 on January 23, 2004, 07:50:08 am
boys do you know sarcasim when ya see it.
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: n-e-foo on January 23, 2004, 06:39:15 pm
A quick feature was just on TV3 within the last 5 minutes with regard to this. It was officially confirmed that a Marchetti was on CAP, with orders to shoot down any aircraft that were a threat.

The report mentioned the Air Corps have no capability to shoot down, let alone investigate any jet aircraft who were a threat. And went on to say the RAF would have to be brought in for this.

There were quick glimpses of a pilot strapping into a Fouga and the cockpit of the Casa (I think)

Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: FiannaFail on January 24, 2004, 12:46:49 am
Now do you believe me folks!!!
FiannaFail :cool:
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: FiannaFail on January 24, 2004, 01:07:32 am
I must say I have a soft spot for the Marchetti.....pity they cannot be retained as Basic Flight Training Aircraft with the PC-9M's being used as Advanced Flight Trainign Aircraft!
FiannaFail :(
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: P.Doff on January 24, 2004, 12:56:33 pm
Thank GOD for that News item!!! Its about time that the whole country knows how underequipped we are!! Maybe now the government will sit up and take note!!!
By the way, the F-15's on CAP were more than likely involved in a big combat search and rescue excercise that was taking place over the Irish sea and Welsh training area's last week!!!
There were NOTAMS published to this effect letting all pilots know that as they put it 'aircraft will be performing high-energy manuveres and breaking the rules of the air'!!!
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: Guinness on January 24, 2004, 10:27:17 pm
P. Doff,
more of these items where mentioned on the news over the last years and it hasn't realy helped the IAC so far.

It looks like the people doesn't give a *** about the forces.
The goverment is chosen by the people so if they want to make a differance the whole public opinion has to change.
The question is...... who will help to change the public opinion.

Maybe if the IAC shows what it does for the community it'll help.

E.g.  the Belgians had a problem with getting helicoptercrews.
They made a TV series called "Windkracht 10" ( windforce 10) about the work of No. 40 ( SAR) sqn.
It was a soap-like series but after that a lot of people applied for a job there.

Also I realy think that airshows will get the public opinion changed.

Guinness :cool:
Title: Marchetti's flying CAP over Dublin today
Post by: FiannaFail on January 25, 2004, 01:21:51 am
Excellent point Guinness especially with the Euro and local government elections coming up in June. As I have mentioned before we need to start a campaign here and now with all political parties.  You coukld even do your bit as a good european....why don't you write to the Irish Embassy in The Hague re your concerns about Ireland's lack of air defence and how other western european countries are left exposed on the western flank as a result. It would be interesting exercise as they would have to feed back this information to Dublin. And if you could organise a lobby group for this purpose. Wow you could be catalist for change in our Defence Policy.  We would behind you 101%!!
FiannaFail :;):