
Irish Related Topics => Air Corps News => Topic started by: Frank on June 09, 2004, 08:38:08 am

Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: Frank on June 09, 2004, 08:38:08 am
Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters

FOUR new armed helicopters are to be used by Ireland's elite soldiers, the Rangers, giving a boost to the country's anti-terrorist capabilities.

It is the first time aircraft have been acquired mainly for use by the Rangers and it also marks the first time Irish helicopters will be armed to support their operations.

Up to now, the Rangers have had to use small Air Corps helicopters, some of them up to 40 years old, but now the force will have large modern helicopters on call.

The move comes amid a continuing security review of Ireland's defence capabilities after the September 11 atrocities, which saw a boost in the strength of the Ranger Wing.

It also reflects the use of the Rangers on dangerous missions like those in East Timor and Liberia where helicopters proved invaluable for inserting and extracting small Special Forces teams.

Such tactics would also be used by the 40-strong Ranger unit promised by the Government to the European Rapid Reaction Force.

According to documents sent to helicopter manufacturers vying for the contract, the four helicopters will have a primary tasking of training and operating with the Rangers. They will each be able to carry two four-man teams.

Don Lavery


For those of you with a Unison / irish Independent logon the story can be read here
Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: Guinness on June 09, 2004, 07:47:30 pm
A-109 ???

Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: alpha foxtrot 07 on June 10, 2004, 04:12:03 am
to big, h-6 little birds would be perfect. the US delta carry 8 men on them.

Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: Imshi-Yallah on June 10, 2004, 12:43:48 pm
You are I presume taking the piss!
Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: Silver on June 10, 2004, 03:03:49 pm
The A-109 is probably one of the favourites.

Personally, I would prefer to see something bigger like (for example) - the EC Cougar purchased.

Ideally the EH-101, but I doubt it will be a serious contender.
Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: pilatus on June 10, 2004, 09:40:48 pm
Quote (Frank @ 08 June 2004,23:38)
Up to now, the Rangers have had to use small Air Corps helicopters, some of them up to 40 years old, but now the force will have large modern helicopters on call.

i doubt any small crappy chopper like the h-6 will be bought,i also doubt the A-109 it does not meet the cargo transport capability in the they will carry two gpmg and 8 rangers that means 12 on board altogether 2pilots,2gunners,8rangers sounds more like its suited to the A-139 or blackhawk  :angry:
Title: Elite Army unit to get four armed helicopters
Post by: Guinness on June 11, 2004, 07:34:38 pm
I hope you're right.

The UH-60 would be great and can be bought "second-hand" as well.
