
Irish Related Topics => Irish Air Corps => Topic started by: on April 21, 2005, 03:24:15 pm

Title: What could be....
Post by: on April 21, 2005, 03:24:15 pm
Hi guys,

becoming a bit of a stranger recently, forced exile and all that malarky. Had an opportunity recently to observe a little bit of attack helicopter combat pair flying. Interesting looking up at the tops of trees going by, but you know, the corps utilises the same techniques for tactical formation as these guys and I reckon our pilots would have the capability to jump into the overseas role without any specialist training, barring maybe a jungle survival course. Here is a pic taken when the guys had finished their patrol and were getting in some close formation practice on the way home. Enjoy.
Title: What could be....
Post by: on April 21, 2005, 03:31:14 pm
'nother one. Mmmmmm. Threatening....
Title: What could be....
Post by: Fouga23 on April 21, 2005, 04:53:55 pm
Cool shots!
Title: What could be....
Post by: Guinness on April 21, 2005, 06:22:30 pm

any idea where these pics are takin'?
Quite unuseal to have an attack helicopter in UN- collors.

Title: What could be....
Post by: Imshi-Yallah on April 21, 2005, 09:13:22 pm
Liberia, the Ukrainian Air Force operates a dedicated UN support Squadron/Wing with Mi24s, Mi17s and M-26s.
Title: What could be....
Post by: Fouga on April 22, 2005, 12:24:48 am
Well im no Einstein Guinness but i guess Scorpy is serving Overseas and he took the pics himself then again i may be wrong
Title: What could be....
Post by: Frank on April 22, 2005, 01:22:09 am
Great shots Scorpy!

If you have any more pics you'd like to share I'll reserve some space in the picture gallery for you.


Title: What could be....
Post by: Guinness on April 22, 2005, 07:08:06 pm
Sorry Guys,

 I'm not Einsteien either.
How can i know who is serving abroad an where?

Nevertheless, the pics are woth seeing.
I hope you have some more of these.

Guinness :cool:
Title: What could be....
Post by: on April 23, 2005, 11:46:02 am
Yeah, I have some other shots, but there are some guys here who got in the sh1t for tying up the bandwidth to send photographs online, so it will be a few weeks before I can get them to Frank. Sorry. I may be able to get some other good ones of the MI26 before I finish up here though.
Title: What could be....
Post by: pym on April 24, 2005, 11:43:41 am
Scorpy hope its going alright for you out there, stay safe :)

Just looking at those great photos, you get a hint of what a strong organisation the UN could be if the international will was there.
Title: What could be....
Post by: Imshi-Yallah on April 24, 2005, 12:13:51 pm
The UN is a sham, the security council is a selection of the countries most likely to be instigating trouble.

Bring on the League of Democratic States.
Title: What could be....
Post by: Delta72 on April 24, 2005, 07:54:51 pm
I second that Imshi-yallah. But we gotta support our guys out there. Dude those pics rock! :cool:
Title: What could be....
Post by: Guinness on April 25, 2005, 02:50:35 pm
Thanks Delta,

that's my opinion too.

All of you out there..............take care and make sure you come home safe :;):

Guinness :cool:
Title: What could be....
Post by: on April 26, 2005, 11:53:05 am
Frank, I have some video clips of the flight, but the res isn't great. I'll see if I can get them to you when I get back. It's not so bad out here at the moment, but I don't envy the Bn taking over. They have an election to get through, and we all know what elections in Africa can cause. Wouldn't be here if there wasn't going to be trouble. Still, it's nice to see the force commander here flexing a bit of muscle by sending two Hinds over the city at low level complete with rocket pods every now and then. Tends to focus the mind a little and keep the locals in check. The Ukrainian guys are good fun to chat to, even given my poxy Russian. The gear they have is well maintained and relatively modern. One odd thing I found in the Hind is it has no seatbelts for the passengers. It does feel like a pretty solid piece of kit though and the little touches like retractable armour on the cabin door, complete with firing ports and rifle clamps reminds you of its true purpose. Very difficult to come up with any negative comments about their operation here, so I'll not hear any bad said about them in the future, OK???
Title: What could be....
Post by: Frank on April 26, 2005, 12:24:49 pm
Hi Scorpy,

No problem with the uploading of pictures while overseas, I'll keep that server space reserved for you till you get a chance to upload.

I'd love to see your videos, along with everyone else on the board, give me a shout when you get home and we can organise something then.

Regards & take care,

Title: What could be....
Post by: Imshi-Yallah on April 27, 2005, 06:23:10 pm
Tactical flying is one question Scorpy, but what about aircraft, and who's going to maintain them.

You certainly won't catch me raising any objection to IAC helos and fixed wing (See my post on tactical use of turborops and Radar Equipped assets) operating overseas.
Title: What could be....
Post by: Eddie Dillon on May 03, 2005, 10:24:52 am
Great photos Scorpy. Brilliant stuff
Title: What could be....
Post by: John K on May 05, 2005, 06:34:09 pm
Eddie Dillon? Weren't you a Sergeant in TTS back in the '70s?