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Messages - dp_burke

Pages: [1]
Aviation Waffle / Re: Spitfire dig
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:51:10 pm »
Jonny McNee has published the story of his research in a book, The Story of the Donegal Spitfire.  It is on amazon and can also be obtained directly from him, I have his email address.  It is self published.

It is a wonderful addition to the battery of knowledge that exists on the war time crashes and landings in Ireland.


Aviation Waffle / Re: Crash Site's around Ireland
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:58:00 pm »
I went snooping Damian, see names are nice.

Ascot made the header for my site and provided some of the details presented in the C-47 crash in Kerry, Dec 1943 article.  I've a few more pages to add with info/photos you sent me.


Aviation Waffle / Re: Crash Site's around Ireland
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:37:47 pm »
Thanks Ascot, when was I in touch with you?  Names not familiar in my email inbox.

Irish Air Corps / Re: The Irish Air Corps and the Emergency 1939-45
« on: January 03, 2009, 10:41:03 pm »
In the lateness of late nights post I neglected to suggest a recent publication which might be much more interesting than my website,

It is a book released last year called 'Guarding Neutral Ireland'.  It has (IMHO) a very good chapter on the North Strand bombing.  (I say that as someone who has not researched the military archives on the subject.)

I would say however that a night time interception by the IAC in 1941 would rather more than unlikely with the equipment to hand, Gladiators.  Going by my own dodgy website, the first Hurricane did not enter service until late 1942 and there was only one of them.  It was July 1943 before we got four more Hurricanes.

If Tony see's this thread he can set you on the correct course.


Irish Air Corps / Re: The Irish Air Corps and the Emergency 1939-45
« on: January 03, 2009, 03:41:50 am »
Hello all,
Thanks for the link above FF, that's the old part of my site and I keep promising to take that down as its very out of date and lacking in proper 'research' content.  The only active part of my site is the link below.

Consider it for reference only!!!  There are many more 'interesting' sources out there for IAC topics.


Foreign Aircraft and their Crews in Ireland 1939-45:

Irish Aviation History / Re: Irish crashes
« on: April 29, 2008, 06:44:10 pm »
Thanks Tony!!

Thats praise indeed!

The link to the site is

Its the basics of most incidents.  I don't go into details on the site much.

I know its not a catchy address and doesn't roll off the tongue but the sites advertisement free!

best regards

Dennis Burke
Dublin / Sligo

Irish Air Corps / Memorial Service Halifax EB134
« on: August 10, 2007, 12:22:28 pm »
Hello All,

just a quick link to some of the photos I took on the day,  really am a bad photographer!!  

Anyway, the local community put on a wonderful ceremoney and the memorial garden they have built is a credit to them. Top marks all round, I just wish I could have been more of a help.

And the air Corps presentation was superb, even in the cloud conditions.  A spirited display woudl be the term!



Irish Air Corps / Memorial Service Halifax EB134
« on: July 30, 2007, 12:43:52 am »
Hello Folks,
I thought people might be interested to know:
The Old Tuam Society and Lavally Community, Halifax Memorial Committee will be holding the unveiling of the Halifax Bomber Memorial and Garden at Ryehill, Tuam, Co Galway on August 5th 2007.  Dedication Ceremony at 2:00 pm

Families of the dead airmen will be attending and the Irish Air Corps hope to be able to provide a flypast.

Guest speakers:  Our distinguished guest Her Excellency Anne Plunkett Australian Ambassador to Ireland.
Mr. John Banim, Mission Administrative Officer of the Embassy of Canada.

Mr.Brian Mahoney, Deputy Defence Attaché at the British Embassy.

Mr. Joe O’Loughlin, Historian and writer, from  Belleek, Co Fermanagh.

This will commenorate the crew of Halifax EB134 of 1663 HCU which crashed on the night of November 1943.
F/Sgt George Hilton Sansome 423386 + RAAF
F/Sgt Allan Stewart Johnston 409125 + RAAF
W/O Norman William Gardner R/65741 + RCAF
Sgt Anthony Joseph Gallagher 410595 + RAAF
Sgt Edgar William Camp 1605423 +
Sgt Leslie Harold Wildman 1158064 +
Sgt Robert Mair Clark 1051117 +

(I'm not involved in arranging this event but I will be attending myself)



Irish Air Corps / B-17 rumour
« on: May 09, 2007, 02:19:34 pm »
Check out this old post regarding a Ju-88 shot down after fighting with RAF fighters in August 1942.  Could be related to your person memories.;t=1025  

Dennis Burke

Irish Aviation History / WW2 crashes etc. in Ireland
« on: June 22, 2006, 01:31:20 pm »
Hello all,

I was shown this thread with horror today!  This is my site,  Dennis Burke.

Thanks for the comments above guys.  Do note that I have gotten an immense amount of assistance from people, I try to set that out in the comments column.  These include, PJ Cummins, M Gleeson, T Kearns, G O'Regan, The Irish Military Archives, a list of relatives of crew members, various unit associations and interested people.

There are no doubt errors in the list but its a work in progress and will likely never finish.  (I might get a life in the mean time)

Please note that others have done A LOT of work on this subject prior to my producing the list.  Their work should not be overlooked as it is in much greater detail.  Hopefully we will see it in print someday.

For more detail on one such crash visit:

I'll try answer any comments but please be gentle.  I have to better prepare the notes sections to explain the short hand i have in the comments table.

Regards, take care


Don't forget

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