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Messages - b707fan

Pages: [1]
Shameless Promotion / Re: Prints for sale
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:32:50 pm »

Hi Thurian.

Have included two more recent pics from late 90s and have literally thousands of spares from Dublin, Shannon, Lhr, Moscow and various airports around Europe. Have no idea what to charge as I've never tried to sell any before. Will be moving house soon and need to de-clutter.

Shameless Promotion / Prints for sale
« on: May 01, 2011, 12:25:01 am »
Hi All,

Have a large collection of 6x4 original colour prints of mainly civil airliners dating back to mid 1980s for sale.

This is just a feeler, Is there any interest nowadays in these collections?


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