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Topics - Frank (Admin)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Irish Air Corps / New S61N Picture!
« on: May 08, 2003, 11:04:56 pm »
Hi Guys,

I was sent a picture of the new Irish Air Corps S61N today, click here to see it:

Thanks to Jon Devins for sending it in.


Frank.  '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Light Strike Squadron L-39
« on: October 30, 2003, 03:48:06 pm »
Hi lads have a look at these photos of the LSS badge. While the l-39 badge is similar it ain't ours.

Irish Air Corps / Pictures of the USN Hercules at Baldonnel
« on: September 28, 2003, 10:37:55 am »
Hi Guys,

3 pictures of the US Navy Hercules that was at Baldonnel last week have been added to the database.

Click here to see them.

Here's a picture of the Hercules with CASA C252 in the background:



Irish Air Corps / Salthill Air Show Pictures
« on: July 08, 2003, 07:25:48 pm »
Hi Guys,

I managed to take exactly 1000 pictures and videos clips at the air show!  This one here of one of my favourites.  I've been trying for years to take a (decent) picture looking up the jet pipes when the afterburner is on and I finally managed to do it....

I've re-launched the Air Shows section of my website with a simpler look and feel, click here for a look:

As it stands I have only 3 pictures online but I have a good few ready to go up on both the Salthill Air Show website and on so keep an eye on both websites for updates.

I'm on camp for 2 weeks from Saturday so updates will be slow until near the end of the month.



Irish Air Corps / Happy Christmas & Thanks!
« on: December 01, 2003, 06:55:14 pm »
Hi Guys,

I know it's not Christmas yet but I might not get a chance between now and then to say this so here goes......

I would like to wish everyone in the Air Corps & Defence Forces both at home and abroad and the Irish Aviation community a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

I would also like to wish all the visitors & contributors to a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year as well.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to make the success it is.  In the general scheme of things Irish Aviation is a small slice of the pie but on this site we have gone some way to raising it's profile worldwide and have brought it to a wider audience.

Long may it continue.  2003 has been a good year for, lets hope 2004 is an even better year.

Next year we can look forward to seeing the new Learjet 45 and the 8 PC-9M in our skies (and on this website), and before anyone jumps down my neck, I know we would all prefer something different or something better, but the way I see it something new is better than nothing at all.

BTW, I hope you all like the Xmas trimmings in the site, it's not very often you get to see a Fouga wearing a Santa hat!

Seasons greetings,


Irish Air Corps / 2004 EU Summits....
« on: December 01, 2003, 05:45:39 pm »
Hi Guys,

I was just reading an article on and this is what it said:

Huge celebrations are being planned to mark the enlargement of the EU, it was revealed today.

When the 10 new member states officially join on May 1 – during Ireland’s EU presidency – European Minister Dick Roche is planning a nationwide party for the Irish people.

“We want to have the celebration out there on the streets, we want to have the people of Dublin, the people of Ireland, share the sense of history we will be creating in Europe,” he said.......

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has invited the heads of state from all members of the European Council to attend an event in Dublin on May 1.

Further down the page it says:

The Government is planning a potentially controversial EU/US summit in Ireland towards the end of its presidency and is expecting George W Bush to attend.

Asked about security concerns in light of the US leader’s recent visit to England, Mr Roche said the country had a responsibility to fulfil its role as EU host.

“Even if we had disruption for one day, if there’s an opportunity for us to bring some peace to the world, to fulfil our responsibility as the lead state of Europe, we should seize the day,” he said.

Seeing as the Government are going to hold these two big events in Ireland what do think the chances are of foreign fighters providing air cover for them?

And if foreign fighters are going to be based in Ireland to who do you think will provide the fighters for the cover and what fighters will be used?

I'm just thinking out loud here, that's all, I've got a few free minutes at work.



Irish Air Corps / Salthill Air Show Teaser
« on: July 04, 2003, 05:58:44 pm »
Hi Guys,

For those of you heading for Salthill this weekend here's a little taste of what's to come......

And here are some videos for you to enjoy:

Dutch PC-7 Arrival  (1,245Kb)

Dutch PC-7 Practicing  (723Kb)

I took these pictures and videos today.  Enjoy the show on Sunday.


Frank.  '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Badge
« on: July 02, 2003, 04:03:51 pm »
Hi Guys,

After a few weeks wait I finally picked up my new badge which I will be proudly wearing at the Salthill Air Show.  It's not the prettiest of things but it's mine and it'll do for now!

Compare it with the logo on the top left and see what you think.  The badge is actual size (if you are using a 17" monitor set to 1024 x 768 pixels resolution that is).

If anyone would like one please let me know, it could be a while before I can get more made up, I only got the one made up in time for the air show, the rest will unfortunately have to wait.  The badge costs €10.

See you all in Salthill, here's to loud noise and fast jets!!!  Woo Hoo!

Frank.  '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / New Air Corps book, pictures required
« on: June 30, 2003, 12:12:56 am »
Hi Guys,

This message was entered in my guestbook but seeing as most of you would not look at the guestbook on a regular basis I'm re-posting the message here:


Lt David Browne from Ireland

The Irish Air Corps are in the process of compiling a new pictorial book to mark the Air Corps' contribution to 100 years of aviation. This book will probably be A4 format, almost full colour and close to 150 pages. It will be available in all good bookshops nationwide. The organising committee are now looking for photographs from personal collections to include in the book.

Of particular interest are Air Corps aircraft in flight, air to air photo's of Air Corps aircraft and Air Corps aircraft on 'missions', both modern day and historic. Any person whose photogrph is selected to appear in the book will recieve a free copy of the book, along with credit to the person under their photograph in the book.

This is your chance to have photographs you took appear in a once off edition book, available nationwide, to mark the on-going celebrations of aviation's 100th birthday.

If anyone has photographs which may be suitable please contact Lt David Browne, 302 Sqn at 00 353 1 403 7586.

Dig up your best shots now guys, this is your chance to be famous.



Irish Air Corps / Changes to
« on: June 04, 2003, 01:31:54 am »
Keep up the Great work Frank!!!!!! '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Photos required for
« on: May 25, 2003, 12:50:04 pm »
Hi Frank,

As I said the Photo's aren't the best quality they were taken by mother in 1982 at very close range, I'll have a look around the house and see what I can do with them once scanned. I've been busy lately (Finishing my site which is now up and running). But should have more time now for other things.

Brgds Bailer.

Irish Air Corps / Nice Fouga "220" Picture
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:22:27 pm »
Hi Guys,

I picked up a nice picture of Fouga "220" lastnight and I've added it to the website.  This picture is a small one, go to the main website for the larger picture.

Also, as you may have seen from an earlier post, I added a picture to the website of Beech "240" with "Fitz" written under the cockpit window.  This aircraft was named "Fitz" to commemorate the re-enactment of the first East-West crossing of the Atlantic by the "Bremen", the co-pilot of which was Captain James Fitzmaurice.

Click here to go to the Air Corps section for the pictures.



Irish Air Corps / Irish Humour - The Spud Missile
« on: May 28, 2003, 09:13:46 pm »
Hi Guys,

Here's a little bit of Irish humour for you:

"The Spud Missile

A weapon of Mash destruction from Ireland...."

Have fun,

Frank.  '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Fake Air Corps militaria on eBay
« on: May 27, 2003, 01:22:30 pm »
Hi Guys,

Now while I think eBay place to buy things, I got a lot of my pressies for Xmas via eBay last year, some rubbish does pop up every now and then.

I spotted this auction this morning:

"Irish Air Corps Pilot Wing - This is the pilot wing of the Irish Air Corps, a separate Division of the Irish Defence Corps."

Click here to see the page and the picture of the "wings".  

Would I be right in saying these wings are a complete fake or are they possible a prototype?  What leads me to think they are fake is the fact that the wings are out of proportion to the central sun burst and also the spelling is wrong!

Be careful of what you buy, don't get ripped off, I wouldn't waste 20c on these wings, never mind $20.



Irish Air Corps / Video files on
« on: June 10, 2003, 07:15:01 pm »
Hi Alpha,

I hope to get some video shots of the Air Corps along with the Red Arrows in action at the Salthill Air Show in a few weeks time.  As soon as I get the videos optimised for the web I'll put them online.



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