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Topics - Frank (Admin)

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Irish Air Corps / Anything special planned for the 17th December?
« on: November 08, 2003, 12:46:20 pm »
The wings are together and they are currently putting the fabric on them.
Dont forget that the 17th Dec is the day that the Lear 45 is due to arrive in the Don, so this mass fly-by thing that they were planning may take place then!

Irish Air Corps / Ideas For New Message Board Sections
« on: November 06, 2003, 02:01:35 am »
Hi Guys,

A few people have mentioned / suggested that I should add more sections to the message board.

Please let me know what section you would like to see added to the message board, if any.  I've already added Commercial & Corporate aviation and Helicopters & Rotorcraft on trial basis for 1 month, I'll see what kind of response these sections get and then I'll make a decision on keeping them or removing them.

I personally am in favour of keeping the original layout of Site Notices, Air Corps, Apprentice Contact's and Air Shows but including the Hangar which is for members only.  If you want this as well select "Return to Original Layout" above.

The Air Corps section is the main reason people visit the message board and I feel the other aspects of Irish Aviation are adequately covered elsewhere without us trying to do it as well.

You all know what to do, post any questions or comments here.



Irish Air Corps / New Moderator
« on: November 05, 2003, 09:53:32 pm »
Hi Guys,

As you might have noticed from the main message board page Silver is leading all the forums, in other words he is the moderator.

I have asked Silver to take on this job basically because I need a second pair of eyes with regards to running the message board, especially now that I have added the extra forums.

As I don't have proper internet access at home (palmtop only), I can only access the message board on the days that I'm working and seeing as I work a shift that rotates between the front end of the week and the back end of the week, I can effectively only monitor goings on for the days that I'm working, i.e. half the week only, the rest of the week is hit or miss.

Silver will help me to ensure that all posts follow the posting guidelines, no more, no less.

I have worked really hard on the website to get to where it is today in relation to content, respectibility & credibility, from what I have heard it is held in very high regard and I don't want all that ruined.  I'm sure all of you who use this website & message board will want to keep it that way.

So far this message board has kept above the scandal that has plagued other message boards and I want to keep it that way.

Thanks for your time Guys, and thanks to Silver for agreeing to become a moderator.



Irish Air Corps / Board Changes
« on: October 21, 2003, 05:20:57 am »
Hi Guys,

Just to let you all know, as I mentioned in the Message Board Posting Guidelines post, I've created a "Members Only" section as a trial, you'll have to be logged in to read and post in this forum.

I've also turned image posting on, which means that you can attach images to your posts and have them appear on the board without having to get me to upload them to the server first.

I hope these changes are of some use, please let me know if you have any ideas or comments.



Irish Air Corps / Your opinion of
« on: October 01, 2003, 02:56:49 pm »
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your positive feedback and nice comments, it's good to know someone appreciates what I'm doing.

I've finally finished working in the look and layout of the new picture database.

What do you think?  

Does it take too long to load?  

Is the layout / content ok?

Are you having any problems with it, including images not loading?

Please let me know if you have any problems with it.  You'll find the database here:



Irish Air Corps / Air Corps PC-9M Website
« on: October 21, 2003, 02:00:14 am »
Hi Guys,

Spotted this website on the IMO board, it's a website dedicated to the new Air Corps Piliatus PC-9M trainers.

The website has been put together by Dangermouse (I think) and it's very detailed, it includes info on the engines, weapons, cockpit, everything.

Well worth a look.



Irish Air Corps / Message Board Posting Guidelines
« on: October 21, 2003, 01:41:57 am » Message Board Posting Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines when posting messages:

1. The user undertakes not to make use of or publish material that is obscene, libellous, defamatory or in violation of any right of any third party.

2. No user shall interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with information belonging to another person. Similarly no user shall make unauthorised copies of information belonging to another person.

3. The user must not undertake any actions that brings this website into disrepute.

4. Please note that any comment relating to your military service in the Air Corps / Defence Forces that is in breach of military regulations, may result in disciplinary action by the military authorities against the author of such comments.

5. Please refrain from announcing details in advance of foreign military aircraft movements, arrival times, location and the duration of their stay. Posting of this information by members of the Defence Forces / Air Corps may result in disciplinary action by the military authorities against the person who posts such details.

6. The Administrator reserve the right to ban any member from using this message board at their own discretion.

7. The Administrator reserve the right to delete or edit any posts that contain possibly sensitive information or have questionable content.

8. All complaints and inquiries with regard to this board should be directed to the Administrator at


Hi Guys,

I've amended the posting guidlines to include these paragraphs:

5. Please refrain from announcing details in advance of foreign military aircraft movements, arrival times, location and the duration of their stay. Posting of this information by members of the Defence Forces / Air Corps may result in disciplinary action by the military authorities against the person who posts such details.


7. The Administrator reserve the right to delete or edit any posts that contain possibly sensitive information or have questionable content.

The reason for these ammendments is simple, it has been pointed out to me that certain undesirable groups & individuals watch this and other public message boards for details in advance of foreign military aircraft arrivals at both Baldonnel and other Irish airports.  

We all know what has happened in the past and I'm sure that none of us want this to happen in the future, especially if it transpires that the information was obtained from this message board.

I think that it's safe to say that the Air Corps / Defence Forces monitor this and the other message boards / websites so please don't give them a reason to shut us down.

Please understand that this is NOT censorship, everyone posting on this board to some extent or other has a positive interest in the Air Corps, and I'm just looking out for the interests of the Air Corps / Defence Forces, the public and this message board.

There is no problem with saying that an aircraft was at Baldonnel or even with sending in pictures of the aircraft at Baldonnel, it's all just a matter of using some common sense.

I'll investigate the possibility of having a members only section if the demand is there.

If you have any questions or comments, or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me, thanks for your understanding.



Irish Air Corps / Trip to RIAT Fairford 2004
« on: July 23, 2003, 08:31:08 pm »
Hi Guys,

Over the last few weeks I've had a good bit of exposure to Military Aircraft what with the Salthill Air Show and the Dauphin in Finner (lots of photos of both still to go online by the way, got a nice low level, high speed shot of the Dauphin at Finner so watch this website!) and I've got the taste for lots of noise and power, anyway, I'm wondering would any of you out there be interested in going to an airshow in the UK next year, maybe RIAT Fairford?

Now, before I go any further, I'd like to put in a few qualifiers....

I'm NOT a travel agent

I'm only asking at the minute if there would be any people interest in such a trip

I'm not booking anything just yet!

By this time next year I could have no money as I'll be in the middle of kitting out a new house so money could be tight for me, i.e. no holidays for Frank.

I would love to go to one of the really big shows and I don't think Fairford would be too expensive, and if a group went on say a ferry / coach it could work out cheaper than taking the car.

I'm only thinking out loud here, testing the water you might say.  Would any of you out there be interested in a group trip to Fairford?

Just do the poll and we'll see what the reaction is.  

Please don't vote unless you would be actually available to go to the airshow, i.e.  Irish based members only (no offence to other board members intended, I just want to get a realistic response).



Irish Air Corps / A little help please....
« on: November 25, 2003, 06:27:15 am »
Hi Guys,

I've found that the Air Corps section of loads up very slowly and doesn't seem to cache the navigation images on the left of the page.

I was told that this could be due to the javascript I was using for making the images change.

So, I've removed the script to see if it makes a difference to page loading times.  That's where I need your help, I do most of my internet stuff at work where I have a very fast connection and everything is much faster than over a phone line.

Will all you people using a phone line to access the net please let me know if the changes make any difference.

Thanks in advance,


Irish Air Corps / Picture submission facility now working
« on: April 13, 2003, 11:56:27 pm »
Hi Guys,

I've just added a Picture Submission facility to, click on the link below to go to the page:

Feel free to send any of your Irish Aviation related pictures, full information is available on the the above page, but please, read the "Important Information" part of the page first before submitting any pictures.

The allowable file types you can send are:  jpg, gif, png, bmp

The maximum file size is 500kb  (if you think this is too small please let me know)

The maximum file dimensions are 1100 pixels wide by 800 pixels high

If you have any problems with the file submission page please let me know.

Now please send me your pictures!



Irish Air Corps / 1000th Picture Added
« on: November 24, 2003, 05:26:54 am »
Hi Guys,

I just thought you would all like to know that the 1000th picture was added to the picture database last night with lots more to go.

Click here to go to the database

Thanks to everyone who has sent in the pictures so far and please keep those pictures coming my way.



Irish Air Corps / Government to buy Learjet 45
« on: September 05, 2003, 08:12:53 pm »
Government to buy Bombardier jet

September 5, 2003

It is understood the Government is likely to go ahead with the purchase of a new seven to nine-seater jet from Bombardier, despite the company having to ground a number of its aircraft.

The Department of Defence is confident that safety worries over the new jet will be resolved before the plane is delivered.

The 9 seater Learjet 45, manufactured by Canadian firm Bombardier, has been grounded in the United States because of a faulty part in the tail section.

But the Government says Bombardier have kept it fully informed of the difficulties, and have assured it that the problem will be resolved in time for the jet to be delivered before Ireland's EU Presidency begins in January.

The contract for the purchase of the Learjet has not yet been signed.

The jet is being bought to replace the existing Beechcraft aeroplane, which has been in service since 1980.

It will join the existing Government jet, a Gulfstream IV, in transporting ministers during the hectic Presidency schedule.

At the end of July, the Government decided not to go ahead with the purchase of a larger jet to replace the Gulfstream, which has been plagued by technical problems.


Click here for more information on the Learjet 45




Irish Air Corps / Bremen Flight 75th Anniversary Re-enactment
« on: April 11, 2003, 09:32:52 pm »
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow, April 12th, marks the 75th anniversary of first East-West non-stop crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by Captain Hermann Köhl (pilot), Captain James Fitzmaurice (co-pilot) and Baron Ehrenfried Guenther von Hünefeld (owner) in the Junkers W33L "Bremen". The flight was from Baldonnel, Ireland to Greenly Island, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.

The Air Corps KingAir is flying to Greenley Island in Canada at 06:38 tomorrow morning, Saturday the 12th April to re-enact the flight of the Bremen. At the controls will be the new GOC Air Corps, Brigadier General Ralph James. He will depart from the same spot and at same time that his predecessor Fitzmaurice flew from Baldonnel 75 years ago, and going by a news piece on TV3, the KingAir will be escorted part of the way by two Marchettis.



Irish Air Corps / Lots of new avatars added
« on: November 23, 2003, 08:50:23 pm »
Hi Guys,

I had a quite night last night so out of boredom I decided to create new avatars, lots of them.  I think there are now about 140 to chose from.

I've made more Air Corps unit badge & flash avatars, more avatars of Air Corps aircraft and I've also done up some airline logos and air force roundels.

Maybe you'll even find one that you like.



Irish Air Corps / Editors Choice page
« on: November 27, 2003, 11:56:45 am »
And My pics of the F-16's up close and personal at EINN!!!!!! ':p'

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