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Topics - Frank (Admin)

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Irish Air Corps / Welcome!
« on: April 07, 2003, 11:44:48 pm »
That looks like a very good deal that Powweb have.
Best of luck with it.

Irish Air Corps / Red Arrows Flypast this Saturday
« on: May 21, 2003, 01:40:43 pm »
Hi Guys,

I'm wearing my Salthill Air Show hat here...

On Saturday the 24th May at 1450 the Royal Air Force display team "The Red Arrows" will open the 2003 Heinken Cup match at Landsdowne road with a flypast of the stadium.

If you want to see their only full display in the Republic this year you'll have to be in Salthill on Sunday 6th July.



Irish Air Corps / Pictures of the PC-9M at Baldonnel
« on: May 21, 2003, 08:46:07 am »
Hi Guys,

I've been sent some pictures of the recent visit by the Pilatus PC-9M demonstrator to Baldonnel.  I've one live on the website and I hope to have the rest live by this evening or tomorrow morning (Wed 21st / Thurs 22nd May).

Thanks to Michael Hand for the pictures.

You can see a larger version of the above picture along with the rest of the pictures of the pictures (when they're live) by clicking here:



Irish Air Corps / Problems registering for this board
« on: May 20, 2003, 04:53:36 pm »
Hi Guys,

It has come to my attention that a few of you are having problems completing your registration for this board.

If you have any problems registering for this board all you have to do is send me an email ( to make me aware of the situation and I'll manually complete your registration.

Please make sure your email address is correct, if you don't supply a proper email address you will not be able to recieve the automatic sign up confirmation email.

One thing to note though, please let me know what logon name you picked so I know who I'm looking for when completing your registration.

No one has been blocked from signing up as of yet, sorry if there has been any problems, thanks for your support of '<img'>



Irish Air Corps / Message Board Downtime
« on: October 12, 2003, 08:01:34 am »
Hi Guys,

As you are all probably aware this message board was down for approximately the last two days and as I was away from my pc there was nothing I could about.

It turns out the settings mysteriously changed on the directory the message board is stored in on my ISP's server and nobody was notified.  Lots of other sites were / are also affected so I'm not alone.  What happened was the access settings for the directory were changed and no one could access the board.

I'm sorry for the interruption in service, I've changed the settings back to what they should be, everything is now back to normal.


Frank.  ':angry:'

Irish Air Corps / New pictures added to
« on: August 20, 2003, 04:11:33 am »
Hi Guys,

I've been busy working away at getting a proper picture database up and running and I've managed to get it finished.  I'll be tweaking it over the coming weeks and months but it's working.

I've decided to concentrate on just 3 different sections of

The Irish Air Corps section,

The Irish Helicopters Section, and

The Picture Database

The reason for this is because I haven't got the time to devote to building proper information sections for Commercial, Corporate & General aviation, besides, these sections are covered very well elsewhere.

However, in saying that, it is still my intention to build up the largest collection of Air Corps & Irish Aviation photographs on the net, and that's where the Picture Database comes in.

I will still be fully maintaining the Air Corps & Helicopters sections, and these will still have their own galleries, information pages, links pages, etc, so you've nothing to worry about there.  The galleries in the Air Corps & Helicopters sections have more detailed picture search menu's on their respective subjects than in the Picture Database.

The Picture Database is purely for pictures, and in it you will be able to search for pictures in the following categories:

Irish Air Corps

Irish & Foreign Helicopters

Air Shows & Foreign Military Aircraft

Corporate & Commercial Aviation

General Aviation

You will now also be able to search for pictures by photographer.

On the Picture Database homepage you will see pictures of the 5 latest additions to the database along with the 5 most popular pictures.  Every picture in the database now has a hit counter so you can now see how popular your pictures are.  This counter is counting from 00:01hrs 20th August 2003.  This counter also works in the Air Corps & Helicopters sections.

A new feature of the new Picture Database is the ability to bookmark individual pictures, pages, searchs, etc, unlike the Air Corps & Helicopters sections which will always default back to their respective homepages.

I'll stop writing now, please try out the new database, and if you have any pictures you want included please use the link at the top of the  Picture Database homepage.  The  Picture Database can be accessed from the homepage, the Air Corps & Helicopters homepages, and also from the Air Corps & Helicopters gallery pages.

The web address for the database is:



Irish Air Corps / Updates to
« on: August 11, 2003, 05:54:21 pm »
Hi Guys,

I've been doing some more tinkering with the website again.

I've updated the layout of the gallery sections of both the Air Corps section and the Helicopters section of  I hope to update the Air Shows section in a similar fashion shortly.

These changes integrate the the new database system with the older existing gallery sections.

Also, you can now search the entire database of here.

A new option to search for photographs by the photographer is also available on all search pages (except for the one in the Air Shows section which will be added shortly).

More photographs have also been added to the website so please have a browse around and see what you think.



Irish Air Corps / FAO Mick Delaney
« on: August 03, 2003, 08:34:04 pm »
Hi Guys,

If any of you out there know Mick Delaney, ex Light Strike Sqn / Air Corps could you please get him contact me.

He sent me pictures over the weekend which I downloaded and have in the database (pictures of the Silver Swallows crew & Fougas at IAT 97), but there was a problem with my mail server and his original emails got deleted so I've lost his email address and the information that went with the pictures.

It's not a life or death situation, I just would like to contact Mick and thank him for the pictures and get the picture info again.



Irish Air Corps / Ex Air Corps Seafire for sale
« on: November 12, 2003, 11:14:21 am »
Hi Guys,

I received an email a few days ago from a person in England who has an ex Irish Air Corps Seafire (naval version of the Spitfire) for sale.

These are extracts from the original email and the reply to my questions:


Email 1:  

I have in my possesion a partly restored ex IAC Seafire. Would there be any interested parties in this aeroplane being repatriated to Dublin as a fully restored static.
Email 2:  

I was hoping that there was an official IAC museum and that perhaps Euro money could be used to purchase the aeroplane.

Its made up from RX 168 (Ex IAC 157) and some fuselarge frames of PR 302 (Ex IAC 146). The kit is 99% complete with original Merlin 55M and Rotol Prop, so it is straight forward for me to assemble it.

The assembly, like the restoration so far, would be to a very high aviation standard. Price would be £750,000 (€1.1m). About £500,000 (€721,000) less than a flyer but if the engine and prop were overhauled it would fly.  (Total price: €1.8m)

If any person or organisation out there is seriously interested in this aircraft and has or can organise the money or knows where this aircraft could be housed in Ireland please contact me for more information.

I will only deal with questions that will result in the Seafire coming to Ireland and nowhere else.



Irish Air Corps / Any news on the PC-9 colour scheme?
« on: June 22, 2003, 05:37:36 pm »
Hi Guys,

Has anybody out there heard what the paint scheme of the new PC-9M's will be?

(Ignoring of course the fictitious drawings & pictures that were on this site, the IMO site and also in Air Forces Monthly.)



Irish Air Corps / New Picture Database
« on: June 20, 2003, 01:15:16 am »
Hi Guys,

You may or may not have noticed but I've added a picture database to the gallery sections of both the Air Corps and Helicopters sections of this website.

The reason for this is due to the phenomenal success of this website and the amount of pictures being submitted.  I've decided to set up a database where all the new pictures submitted to this site will be listed as it takes up too much of my time to be creating a new page for each new picture.  Also, because of this database, the submission to publication time is significantly reduced, as those of you who have recently submitted pictures will know.

I've added new pictures to the database, mostly of airliners as I've been out to Dublin Airport trying out my new digital camera, but there are also some new Air Corps pictures that have been submitted recently.

I've also started to transfer all the pictures on this website to this database. What this means is that you, the user, will be able to better narrow down your selection of picture without having to browse through numerous galleries.

Now this database is still being set up and it is being refined as I go along, but never the less it is working.  Pictures are displayed newest addition first, while the older pictures already on are displayed last.

Click here for the Picture Database

When you visit this page you will see a picture count, this count is take directly from the database so it is 100% accurate.  Right now as I post this message the count stands at 155 different pictures.

Please give me any feedback you may have or let me know if you have any problems using the database.



Irish Air Corps / Salthill Air Show, who's going?
« on: June 19, 2003, 08:05:28 pm »
Hi Guys,

Is anybody here going to the Salthill Air Show this year?

I know some of you guys from the board will be going but for the guys who use this board only will you be there?

If you are going you should travel early, the traffic will be absolutely mental.  It's crazy when there just the air show but with a football final on in Salthill at the same time..... forget it!  

If you can you should stay overnight, either that or leave plenty of time for travel.

I'll be there early and you won't be able to miss me..... I'll be the one wearing the green bomber jacket with an badge on it, I'll have 2 cameras swinging out of my neck and I'll be running around like a kid in a toy shop at Christmas!

I'll be pretty hard to miss so make sure you say hello if you can catch me.

See you all there,


Irish Air Corps / Special Marchetti Paint Scheme?
« on: June 17, 2003, 09:52:22 pm »
Hi Guys,

I saw a curious reference to a special Marchetti paint scheme in an email today:

"...Warrior in a twin colour yellow front end and dark blue rear
with the IAC roundel placed over the divide just behind the

This aircraft was apparrently in Baldonnel this morning.

Anyone got any ideas or more information?



Irish Air Corps / Salthill Air Show 2003 Update
« on: June 17, 2003, 08:54:31 pm »
Hi Guys,

As most of you probably know the Luftwaffe are sending a display Tornado to this year's Salthill Air Show.

I've just added pictures of their display aircraft "Blue Lightning" to the air show website:

Click here to visit the website for more photographs and information:



Irish Air Corps / Should the Air Corps get fighter jets?
« on: April 20, 2003, 04:06:20 pm »
Hi Guys,

A few weeks ago the Minister for Defence Mr. Michael Smith was asked about the purchase of fighter jets for the Air Corps, and it was put to him that it was a disgrace that the RAF would have to be called upon to defend us in the event of a terrorist attack and that the government should be purchasing fighter jets instead of a VIP jet.  The Minister responded by saying:
"On the very day I would announce the purchase of such jets, people would be complaining that the money should be spend on education ..... A government's job is to priortise what the country's needs are...."

Do you think the Minister is right or wrong with this statement?  

Would you support his decision to buy fighter jets?  

Do we need these aircraft?

Should the Air Corps be equipped with jets that at the very least would be capable of catching up with a "stray" jetliner?

Post your thoughts & answers here.



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