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Topics - Downunder

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Aviation Videos / F35-B Carrier Trials
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:50:47 am »

Some nice video of recent carrier trials on the USS Wasp

Aviation Waffle / Travolta missed Runway?
« on: November 18, 2010, 08:04:40 am »
Sound is not great :buttrock:

AIR authorities and Qantas have rejected claims John Travolta overshot a runway as he flew into Melbourne for Qantas' 90th birthday celebrations.

And Air Services Australia and the airline also rejected suggestions Travolta came close to a building as he approached Melbourne Airport.

Qantas spokesman Tom Woodward said air traffic control had simply asked Travolta, in Australia for the airline's 90th birthday celebrations, to initiate a procedure known as a go-around as he approached the airport.

“Rather than landing as scheduled, you have to back up, you have to go around and land on the second occasion. It's pretty common in aviation.

“It was not anything to do with the piloting of the aircraft. It was just a request from traffic control.''

Mr Woodward said go-arounds are usually initiated around somewhere between 60m and 300m altitude.

He said Travolta had not made a mistake and reacted according to his training.

Airservices Australia backed Qantas, saying Travolta simply conducted a routine go-around and there were no safety issues.

Mr Woodward said pilots were usually asked to do go-arounds because there was another aircraft which was slow clearning the runway or due to poor visibility.

3AW reported, following a call to the station's Rumour File, that a plane purporting to be Travolta's private 707 vintage Qantas jet flew as low as 131m on his first approach to Tullamarine about 11.20am last Saturday.

Another caller suggested that Travolta came through the clouds and was 300-400m west of the runway.

“He definitely missed the runway by a longshot,'' the caller said.

Aviation Waffle / US Airways
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:27:36 pm »
Some photos of recovery

Software & Flight Simulators / A380 Cockpit
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:06:38 pm »
View the cockpit via this link

If anyone is interested in Air Power developments in this region there is a lot of information and analysis on aircaft and weapons at the following site. Covers F111, F18/Super Hornet, Flankers, F22A and JSF.

Air Power Australia


Foreign Air Forces / Air Shows (Read Only) / Blackhawk Down
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:16:13 am »
Hi all,

The inquiry into the loss of Australian Army Blackhawk A25-221 (pilot & 1 trooper killed, 8 rescued) which crashed while making a landing on the deck of HMAS Kanimbla of the coast of Fiji in Nov 06 started today.

The inquiry was shown video footage of the crash which has now been shown on national TV. (The ADF resisted  the release of the video).

Pretty dramatic footage. At the moment I can't find a link on the web/news but I am sure its only a matter of time before posted. If I find a link I will post ASAP.


Irish Air Shows / First Irish Air Shows
« on: June 04, 2007, 02:02:19 pm »
Hi Guys,

I was looking to see if anyone could help me with dates of the first few Air Shows in Ireland.

If my memory serves me right the first one was at Fairyhouse and the next at Baldonnel. I also think the Baldonnel show was the first time the Red Arrows performed in Ireland.

Any help with confirming this and dates of the first few shows would be much appreciated.


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