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Irish Air Corps / What next aircraft?
« on: July 10, 2007, 09:40:28 pm »
I agree fully with the heli fleet!! 2 more 135 and 4-6 more 139 would be nice.

I would however like to see 2 more Casa 295's to be used for transport and army co-op such as para's (ARW) they are also capable of transporting some of our light recce vehicles, something we can't do with our present fleet. I know we don't really need it but all other countries posses such capabilities, and what if we should need it? It would probbably be abroad (UN) but at least we dont have to call in civies to do that job.

Just some of my humble oppinions on the subject.

Irish Air Shows / The Thunderbirds are here!
« on: June 22, 2007, 08:58:46 pm »
Nice shots, speaking of birds, Guinness post some of the "Birds" we saw at Volkel   'thumbsup'  PLEASE!!!!

Sorry lads i'm back,
         Sadly i can't make it to Salthill. The A/C however will be there with a stand so grab your goodies while you can. Hope to see some pics next week.

Have fun all.   '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / AW.139 276 on the move.
« on: June 22, 2007, 08:46:58 pm »
Hi lads, interesting discusions going on here, strangely myself and Guinness had the same conversation with many people on the Volkel airshow last weekend.  (We where doing our bit to promote the Air Corps with our little sales stand.)

Many poeple called up and started asking these kind of questions:

        Is it true that any A/C pilot can take a cessna for a spin if he/she has nothing better to do?

       Is it true that the IAC only fly from 9-5, and not on Monday, Friday and the weekends?

       Is it true more liters of beer are consumed by pilots and and other A/C members than liters of Jet fuel by the aircraft of a weekly basis?

Many more of this kind of questions where asked, the point im making is we Irish aren't known for our active and serious livestyles, we like to have a laugh (and rightly so!!!). But in the eye's of people outside Ireland the A/C is taking this a bit to far and thus we (the IAC) aren't taken serious. That bothers me.


Foreign Air Forces / Air Shows (Read Only) / RNLAF Open Days
« on: June 13, 2007, 06:34:54 pm »
Go on fouga, I'm in Holland already staying with Guinness. You'll have to come out!!!!

We'll be selling some nice new Air Corps products on thursday, friday and saturday. Call up and see us. (the stand with all the Irish Flags  '<img'> )

We'll have the beer chilled for ya!!!!  'thumbsup'

Irish Air Shows / First Irish Air Shows
« on: June 04, 2007, 05:03:30 pm »
First airshow at baldonnell was in 1987 if my memory serves me right but this is open to correction.

Irish Air Corps / AW.139 276 on the move.
« on: May 31, 2007, 08:33:14 pm »
I belive that the last 2 are due Mid-Late 2008

Irish Air Corps / Irish Air Corps goodies
« on: May 30, 2007, 10:48:20 am »
Hi Lads just to let ye know that some new goodies have been ordered. They include Golf ball holders and Air Corps key rings, I've also recived some samples of pens, rulers and i'm hoping to order stainless steel mugs with the A/C logo engraved on them shortly. More details to follow soon.


Foreign Air Forces / Air Shows (Read Only) / RNLAF Open Days
« on: May 29, 2007, 08:37:25 pm »
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, That would explain a lot!!

Seems that the Air Corps will not be attending though


Lets hope they change their minds.

Anyway hope to see you.

Foreign Air Forces / Air Shows (Read Only) / RNLAF Open Days
« on: May 28, 2007, 08:23:19 pm »
Drive '<img'>???

As in driving to Roslare, taking the ferry to Cherbourg and driving to holland??  That would nearly take you a whole day.
Hope you make it oneway or another though.

Foreign Air Forces / Air Shows (Read Only) / RNLAF Open Days
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:43:40 pm »
It's Friday 14th and saturday 15th of June.

Are you thinking of comming out aswell??

Irish Air Shows / Curragh display
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:40:16 pm »
I hope not!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still hoping the AW-139, EC-135 and the All 3 do a formation flight at Salthill.

Irish Air Corps / Irish fouga without tiptanks
« on: May 24, 2007, 08:50:45 pm »
A plane with that much history (contraversy) surely deserves better that lying on a pile with bits and pieces sterwn anound the place, or not?'<img'>

Ah well, it will probbably be restored some day (I hope) and put on a prime location in the museum with its history drawn out on board alongside the plane as mick has done for a few other planes in the museum. (great job Mick!!!)

Irish Air Corps / SF.260WE on N- Register
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:42:42 am »
Dank u wel!!! Hendrik!

Hope i'm right, my Dutch is getting a bit rusty

Irish Air Corps / Irish fouga without tiptanks
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:39:05 am »
It looked in a lot better condition when we saw it guinness. or at least the bit i saw. 'pilot_wink'

Irish Air Corps / Irish fouga without tiptanks
« on: May 20, 2007, 12:56:50 pm »
Hi Tony,

Do i see a bit of the French training airframe, ripped up on that pile?

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