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Messages - Tony Kearns

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Irish Aviation History / Ex IAC Spitfire wheel up landing
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:42:30 pm »
Spitfire Tr9 MJ772 ex IAC 159 made a wheel up landing today in Germany where it is now based. Damage does not appear to be too serious.......hopefully.
Tony K

Scale Aircraft Modelling / Re: Air Corps AW139 serials
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:38:32 pm »
Thanks Pat, much appreciated.
Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: Wrecks and Relics in Dublin Area
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:36:31 pm »
What Magister in Bolton Street?
Tony K

Scale Aircraft Modelling / Air Corps AW139 serials
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:06:29 pm »
I notice that the serial numbers of the AW139 helicopters are now repeated on the tail boom.Modellers like Gnat etal might be interested.
Tony K

Aviation Photography / Re: Night Photo's
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:37:39 am »
What a picture, looks really great and very atmospheric :applause:
Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: Crash Site's around Ireland
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:04:51 pm »
Dennis pay no attention to him he is only a bleedin spotter!! :rotfl:
Tony K

OK ML, here goes:
Starting the Provost
As you all know the Provost had a cartridge starter. One morning the Schools FI was taking a young 2nd Lt on a two ship formation exercise.
The FI started up his Leonides engine first go, but the 2nd Lt had problems firing up his engine.After about the fifth attempt (and with all the problems associated ) the Schools CO, whose office was in the "old Aer Lingus building on the Ramp" sent out his corporal with the message........."Tell the pilot that if he stops shooting I will come out with my hands up"

Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: Aldergove 1958
« on: February 25, 2012, 08:07:28 pm »
Ascot 1960
At least he was better looking than you :rotfl:

I am sure the chaps in the Ulster Aviation Society will be able to help.

Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: Spotters site???
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:44:22 pm »

Aviation Waffle / Re: RTE: "The German"
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:04:10 pm »
Could chase a Heinkel or Junkers as all three aircraft - Ju, He, Spit - landed in Ireland at some stage and sometimes after fighting each other.
It was enjoyable and entertaining to watch and let's hope that will see some more of this stuff made in Ireland.

To ad a bit of criticism: that wing clip and fight on foot after a rough crash landing was a bit unreal

You are right FiSe about the Heinkel and Junkers.....also did you notice
The lack of a cannon firing switch on the control stick
That it should have had a black spinner
That it should not have had a sky band on the rear fuselage
That the camouflage should have been Dark Earth and Dark Green
Hope Gnat is not going to make a model based on the film.

Did I see Duxford mentioned in the credits or do I too need to go to Specsavers? I still think that they should have had a aviation historian on board.

Aviation Waffle / Re: RTE: "The German"
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:13:47 pm »
I saw that one also IWY and it too is excellent.
Some questions, Did JG26 not operate from Audembert I Gruppe, Marquise-Ost II Gruppe, and Cartiers III Gruppe  during the Battle of Britain moving to Abbeville early December?
With a range of 400 miles it does not stand up geographically that a Bf109 would operate so far west unless it had no intention of returning. It is depicted as escorting bombers ( weaving,high fuel consumption) then high speed combat (very high fuel consumption) and hoping to return to base?
Bf109 operated I believe as far west as Portsmouth on occasions, otherwise they operated over Eastern UK.
There was never a single engined Luftwaffe fighter sighted over Ireland let alone crash.

My understanding is that 19 Sqn got rid of their cannon armed Spitfires in September 1940, too troublesome.

I caught a glance of the Spitfire control column, it had the circular firing button, if cannon armed it should also have had the rocker switch on the stick to operate the cannon.
I don't want to be critical but I think that they could have done with a Spitfire/Bf109 historian.
It is nevertheless an excellent piece of cinema
Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: RTE: "The German"
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:51:58 pm »
Tell me if I am wrong IWY, No 19 Sqn RAF got 30  cannon armed Spitfires in June 1939 but suffered persistant stoppages when used in the Battle of Britain and got rid of them mid way. That Bf109 sure has some range to get where it crashed , didn't want to say where and spoil it. Great video though. :thumbsup:

Ascot, Mr Kearns was my father, I am Tony. :grinning:

Tony K

Aviation Waffle / Re: RTE: "The German"
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:09:53 pm »
Hi there,
. It's set during the Battle of Britain and has great CGI but it's the twist at the end that got


Dont think so IWY, The Spitfire is a Mark Vc (cannon armed), the Messerschmidt seems to be correct though,
 an Emil.
Ascot, you are slowing up, thought that you would have noticed! tut tut :stirthepot:

Tony K

Aviation Videos / Re: Feel The Noise!!!
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:54:13 pm »
Thats good Jetman, I wouldnt stay on that stuff too long, you put the hearth crossways in us and that is not good for us.Some of us are on zimmer frames and frail.
Tony K

Aviation Videos / Re: Feel The Noise!!!
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:42:06 pm »
Jeeze Jetman, are you sure that you are alright?
Tony K

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