Aviation Videos & Photography > Aviation Photography

Can anyone explain these pictures?

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Just wondering if anyone could explain what the weird "smoke tail" is around the helcopter. These are two of a few pictures I took yesterday of Rescue 116 (EI-CXS) coming into Galway hospital. The strange trail showed up on about four consecutive pictures but not on any of the others. I didn't notice it when I was taking the pictures. Not seen anything like that before. I understand that the pictures are rubbish and wouldn't post them if it wasn't for the oddity surrounding it.

Looks like a piece of dust or a hair on lens, or in the camera?

See what you mean, maybe the answer.

Tony Kearns:
No it's a......Blessed S61.
ok ok I'll get my coat! ;D
Tony K

Thanks for the replies lads. All makes perfect sense now.


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