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Airborne 02.24.17: RV-10 Suit Dismissed, 2016 GA Sales, Red Tail Legacy

Also: Falcon 9 Landing, TFR Busts, Denton Airshow, QF-16, Treasure Coast, 'Fly Safe' Campaign, Juno Mission When the news first came out, in 2015, that Van's Aircraft was sued for a considerable amount of money and that the law firm pressing the action was being VERY public about it, many feared the worst. Two years later, though, the lawsuit against the company has been dismissed. The news is pretty much all bad, and some of it is really bad. GAMA Chairman and Piper boss Simon Caldecott, announced at the GAMA “Annual Industry Review” press conference, that airplane shipments globally fell 3.9%, from 2,331 units in 2015 to 2,241 units in 2016. Airplane billings declined 14.1%, from $24.1 billion to $20.7 billion. Worldwide rotorcraft shipments fell 16.9%, from 1,036 units in 2015 to 861 units in 2016. The rotorcraft billings declined from $4.7 billion in 2015 to $3.6 billion in 2016. Airmen assigned to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing take great pride in the heritage created for them by the Tuskegee Airmen. The legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen was born in Montgomery, Alabama, when the Tuskegee Institute’s application to conduct civilian pilot training was approved in 1939. More than 75 years later, a red-tailed fighter jet from Montgomery again flies with the 332nd. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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