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Airborne 04.20.17: EAA Doolittle Commemoration, Drone Audit, XPO 17 LIVE!

Also: T-45 Goshawks, NTSB Prelim, Allstate Drones, Cygnus, ICAO, Boeing SAIB, PAL-V Liberty The lone remaining veteran of the famed Doolittle Raiders mission of April 1942 and at least 16 B-25 bombers will be part of the raid’s 75th anniversary commemoration and air show activities at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2017. The 65th annual EAA fly-in will be held July 24-30. The 75th anniversary activities will honor those involved in the daring mission that involved 16 B-25 bombers that departed from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet on April 18, 1942, and bombed military sites in Japan. The “Doolittle Raiders,” led by legendary pilot Jimmy Doolittle, then faced hardships after their airplanes made forced landings in China and other areas. The Office of Inspector General is initiating an audit of the FAA's approval and oversight processes for UAS waivers. FAA published a new rule governing the use of small UAS in June 2016. However, the rule does not permit several potential uses for UAS that are highly valued by industry, such as operating beyond line of sight or at night. The rule, however does allow operators to apply for waivers from its provisions. The World's Greatest Gathering Of 'All Things Unmanned' Will Get Expert Live Coverage! AUVSI and ANN have confirmed a multi-hour LIVE interview program series on Day Two and Three of XPONENTIAL 2017, set for May 8-11 in Dallas, TX. The broadcast will be conducted, shared, and viewed as a live webcast as well as archived for future viewing and use. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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