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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.24.17)

Aero Linx: Mission of the Naval Airship Association Mission of the Naval Airship Association: 1) To gather, perpetuate and disseminate the Lighter-Than-Air expertise and knowledge that has been accumulated during the U.S. Navy’s long involvement with the development and employment of L.T.A. principles in military aviation. 2) To support and assist the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. (NAMF) and the National Naval Aviaton Museum (NNAM) and other certified, accredited, and/or approved museums or foundations in their purpose of informing and educating the public on the important role of U.S. Naval Aviation, with specific reference to the Lighter-Than-Air segment. The Executive Council shall make the final determination, by majority vote, of any such action. Private collections are expressly excluded from participation. 3) To support and assist U.S. Government agencies in current and future Lighter-Than-Air development and applications and also to support and assist academia, professional societies and industry in similar pursuits.

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