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Airborne 04.24.17: Continental Responds, Textron Update, ISS Plus 2

Also: Planes Of Fame Update, Precious Metal, U-2 Accident, AA FAs, USAF X-37B, O'Hare Fly Quiet, UAL NonResponse Continental has provided ANN with an explanation of its recently-released MSB05-8B. They and the FAA are working as fast as possible to make sure that, while ensuring the highest levels of safety, owners and operators of aircraft equipped with Continental engines will not be burdened with unnecessary costs. Continental Motors is working diligently with the FAA to make significant amendments to MSB05-8B and they expect this to happen in the next 15 days. Slow deliveries of King Air airplanes has pushed Textron revenues and profits lower in the first quarter of 2017. Revenues at Textron Aviation were down $121 million, primarily due to lower military and commercial turboprop volumes, according to a company news release. Textron Aviation delivered 35 new Citation jets, up from 34 jets last year, 12 King Air turboprops compared to 26 in last year’s first quarter, and 2 Beechcraft T-6 trainers, down from 9 last year. After a six-hour flight, NASA astronaut Jack Fischer and cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian space agency Roscosmos arrived at the International Space Station at 9:18 a.m. EDT Thursday where they will continue important scientific research. The two launched aboard a Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, orbited Earth four times, and docked at the space station. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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