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Airborne 04.26.17: Kitty Hawk Flyer, Mooney CEO Departs, Part 23 Training

Also: Sun 'n Fun, North Dakota, Turbulence, Canadian Drones, Voyageur Aviation, Oxford Airport, Drone Classes A major player in the online world, Google’s Larry Page, has entered the aviation arena with a personal flying machine that is supposed to operate in the 'ultralight' category. Called the 'Kitty Hawk Flyer' -- the new ultralight air vehicle is a new, all-electric aircraft. Page's effort claims the aircraft to be "safe, tested and legal to operate in the United States in uncongested areas under the Ultralight category of FAA regulations. We’ve designed our first version specifically to fly over water. You don’t need a pilot’s license and you’ll learn to fly it in minutes. We publicly revealed the working prototype in April 2017. The official Flyer will be available by the end of the year." After less than a year at the helm of Mooney Aircraft, Vivek Saxena has apparently resigned his post. Employees at the company's Kerrville, TX and Chino, CA operations were reportedly notified by email that Mooney and Saxena had "decided to part ways." Albert Li will assume the post of Executive Director while a search is conducted for a new CEO. GAMA has hosted the first in a series of training sessions about the U.S. government’s Part 23 rule rewrite at the Boeing facility in Seattle, WA. In December 2016, the FAA announced sweeping changes to the rules, which take effect in August. The new rules for the design of small airplanes apply to aircraft that weigh less than 19,000 pounds with 19 or fewer seats. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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