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Airborne 04.27.17: HondaJet Records, More UAL Fallout, Avenger Gathering

Also: Peggy Whitson!, AUVSI 2017 Live, Air Medical Group, Canadian Airports, GLO Bankrupt, WestJet, Second T-X A HondaJet has officially secured its first speed records over two recognized courses from Teterboro, New Jersey to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Boston, Massachusetts to Palm Beach, Florida. In setting the record between New Jersey and Florida, the HondaJet departed Teterboro Airport at 2:15 p.m. EST on April 9, 2016 and landed at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport at 5:06 p.m. Despite average headwinds of 60 knots, the flight took two hours and 51 minutes at a cruising altitude of 43,000 feet with the HondaJet surpassing the existing record from Teterboro to Fort Lauderdale. The HondaJet achieved a maximum ground speed of 414 knots. The leadership of the House Transportation And Infrastructure Committee has announced that it will look into the incident in which a passenger was dragged bodily off a United Airlines flight earlier this month. The hearing will focus more broadly on airline consumer issues. The purpose of the hearing, which has not yet been scheduled, is to "provide Members an opportunity to learn more about consumer issues related to the commercial airline industry," according to a statement posted on the committee website by Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) and ranking Democrat Peter DeFazio (D-OR). The second TBM Avenger Gathering, planned for May 20, 2017, promises to be a bigger event than last time. Sixteen TBMs and TBFs are expected for the event in Peru, IL. Numerous other warbird crews also hope to participate, including B-25 Mitchells, P-51 Mustangs, A-1 Skyraiders, and others. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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