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Airborne 04.28.17: Perlan Mission II, DJI VR Goggles, Pilot... NOT!

Also: American Airlines, Airborne-NextGen, Biofuel, ATR 72-600, Gogo, Drone Drive, L3 Aviation Airbus Perlan Mission II, an initiative to fly a glider to the edge of space to collect insights on high-altitude flight, weather, and climate change, returned to flight this week. Pilots Jim Payne and Miguel Iturmendi achieved its highest altitude to date, reaching 30,615 feet. Perlan 2 will spend spring soaring in mountain wave conditions in the skies above the Sierra Nevada, before deploying in May to Argentina. “This past year our team gained invaluable insight and experience from flying the glider in and around the Andes Mountains,” said Ed Warnock, CEO of The Perlan Project. Dronemaker DJI has released more details about its soon-to-be-available first person VR goggles which have been in development for a year or so. Engadget reports that the DJI Goggles place a pair of 1920X1080 screens in front of the wearer's eyes, providing an immersive experience for the user. The goggles display what the drone's camera sees, so it's a bit like you're actually flying on the aircraft. An Irvine, CA man who admitted that he illegally piloted private jets with passengers onboard without having a valid pilot’s license has been sentenced to 10 months in federal prison. Arnold Gerald Leto III, 37, was sentenced by United States District Judge Dale S. Fischer, who also ordered the defendant to pay a $5,500 fine. Leto pleaded guilty in October to two counts of operating an aircraft without a valid airman’s certificate. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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