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Airborne 05.18.17: Snowbirds Re-Train, 200th Cabri G2, Rockford AirFest DOA

Also: King Drone Course, Ready For OSH17?, Textron Support, NASA Astronauts, Gogo, Phillips 66, Mobil Jet Oil The Canadian Snowbirds precision demonstration team has cancelled six appearances in the U.S. and Canada this month, and will be returning to Canada for additional practice and training, according to the team, itself. US appearances that have been cancelled, include Quonset Air National Guard Base, RI; Whiteman, MO; and Duluth, MN. In Canada, the team has pulled out of air shows in Fort Erie and Windsor in Ontario. The Snowbirds explained, "We have decided to undertake additional practice and training from our home base at 15 Wing Moose Jaw before returning to our 2017 scheduled air performance season. The 200th Cabri G2 to be produced will be delivered to U.K. & Ireland distributor, HeliGroup. The aircraft will be a central feature at the British event Heli U.K. Expo, which is being held at Wycombe Air Park on 1-3 June 2017, and will bring the UK fleet to 28 aircraft. Helicopteres Guimbal will be hosting an inaugural launch event for S/N 1200 at the factory in Les Milles, France, before it is flown to the U.K. for the show. The Rockford AirFest has been suspended indefinitely because it essentially had gotten too popular, according to media reports. The event had been cancelled in 2016 due to a conflict with another event, but was reportedly back on for June 3-4, 2017. The Blue Angels had been confirmed as the headline act. But Chicago/Rockford International Airport executive director Mike Dunn sent out an email in December saying that the event had been suspended "indefinitely" ... in part because, "The traffic congestion incurred by AirFest would put a heavy burden on the operations of new businesses on the airport. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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