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Airborne 06.26.17: Senate FAA Bill, Thunderbird Accident, Gliderport Woes

Also: Kelch Aviation Museum, F-35, Drone I.D., Iranian Drone, Living History, Astronaut Departure, Boeing MAX Following the release of the language put forth by the US House; Senators John Thune and Bill Nelson, who respectively serve as the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, along with Sens. Roy Blunt and Maria Cantwell, the chairman and ranking member of the Aviation Operations, Safety, & Security Subcommittee, have announced the introduction of S. 1405, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2017, which reauthorizes federal aviation programs through fiscal year 2021 -- and does NOT call for the ATC Privatization effort specified in the House bill. An Air Force Thunderbird F-16 was involved in an incident Friday prior to the team’s scheduled performances at the Dayton Air Show last weekend. As a result, both the Saturday and Sunday Thunderbird performances were canceled though the airshow went on, as scheduled. The Torrey Pines Gliderport in San Diego is a unique place for soaring, due to the nearby cliffs and prevailing winds which can provide lift for the aircraft. But the University of California at San Diego, which owns the land, is creating significant drag on the Gliderport. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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