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Airborne 07.24.17: Pelton Opens OSH17!, Zenith/UnPanel, Hartzell/Raisbeck

Also: Stratos Shows At OSH17, Redbird GIFT, SunFlyer 4, ONE Aviation Update, Pelton Intvw Part 1 Avilution this morning debuted its Unpanel Integrated Avionics Display in the first Zenith CH-750 Super Duty aircraft. Leveraging its eXtensible Flight System (XFS), Avilution’s Unpanel provides a flight deck specifically tailored for VFR pilots flying light experimental aircraft. As its name implies, the Unpanel Integrated Avionics Display replaces the traditional collection of instruments, controls and small, eye straining displays with 17” of easy-to-read intuitive interface tailored to the VFR pilot, while integrating an FMS, moving map, integrated audio controls, and much more – including supporting the federal mandate for ADS-B In and Out. Hartzell Propeller and Raisbeck Engineering are collaborating on new structural composite swept blade props for the Beechcraft King Air 350 turboprop. Hartzell Propeller's exhibit at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2017 features a King Air 350 modified by Raisbeck Engineering with Hartzell's newest structural composite 106-inch diameter lightweight five-blade propellers. Following years of tough, arduous progress, the Stratos single engine jet made an appearance at Oshkosh... expanded to six seats, with a 4000 knot cruise code, and a 41000 feet service ceiling, the Stratos, if it makes it into production could prove to be fatal to the long-delayed and poor-performing Cirrus Vision. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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