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Airborne 07.25.17: Blue Origin Stands Tall!, Dynon-Certified, Rotax 915iS

Also: Able Flight, Piper M600 Grounding, Avidyne Updates, Pelton Intvw Part 2 No one who goes to Oshkosh remains surprised… for long... at all the amazing things they see at Wittman Field... but reuseable rockets? ANN’s Jim Campbell went over to Blue Origin to see why they came to AirVenture 2017... and got a tour of their crew capsule. Rotax has had its new 915 iS engine in the works for quite a while, but the company says that they are closing in on European and U.S. Certification. ANN’s Tom Patton got an update on the engine from Marc Becker from Rotax. Piper president and CEO Simon Caldecott said at AirVenture on Monday that a possible material specification issue had cropped up with the M600, leading to a precautionary grounding of the fleet of 36 delivered airplanes. Caldecott said that there was a material thickness issue with the aft wing spar that was discovered in one airplane that had been delivered to a dealer. Out of an abundance of caution, an inspection of the spar was recommended for all of the airplanes. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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