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Airborne 08.15.17: Lycoming AD, Reno Drone Racing!, Santa Monica NIMBYs

Also: Icon A5 Accident, Aero-Calendar, Land Remote Sensing, Storm Aviation, Frontier, World Helicopter Day, Hubble The FAA has issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) for the connecting rods in certain models of Lycoming engines, and asked for comments on the AD (2017-16-11). The AD requires an inspection of connecting rods and replacement of affected connecting rod small end bushings. It was prompted by several reports of connecting rod failures resulting in uncontained engine failure and in-flight shutdowns (IFSDs). The FAA says it has received 5 reports of uncontained engine failures and IFSDs due to failed connecting rods. The Reno Air Racing Association has signed an agreement with MultiGP Drone Racing League to host the National Drone Racing Championship during this year’s National Championship Air Races. The drone racing championship will be held in the Air Races on-site drone zone. “The addition of MultiGP’s National Drone Racing Championship into the air races allows our fans to experience exciting drone technology up-close and personally,” Tony Logoteta, Director of Finance for the Reno Air Racing Association said. This may be the ultimate in NIMBYism. Some residents of Santa Monica living near the airport complained after a jet on a medical emergency mission departed from the airport just before 0500 on July 4th. The Santa Monica Observer reports that an email went out to residents as well as members of the city council. One wrote, "Do these folks ... even think of neighborhood day off to enjoy Independence Day ... so Rude!!" While there is a 2200 to 0700 curfew on takeoffs and landings at KSMO, exceptions are made for emergency medical flights. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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