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Airborne 08.18.17: NBAA v KSMO, Sully Attacked, DB Cooper Update

Also: New NASA Admin?, Anti-Aviation Hypocrites, Airberlin, Sky Hopper, Drone v Carrier, Jet Aviation, Airman Retires The NBAA joined five other stakeholders to file a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, challenging the legality of a "settlement agreement” between the FAA and the city of Santa Monica. The highly unusual agreement, which was concluded last January with no public input and with disregard for numerous mandatory statutory requirements, would restrict and ultimately prohibit aviation access to Santa Monica Municipal Airport. “As this filing makes perfectly clear, NBAA will defend our nation’s critical aviation infrastructure and protect general aviation’s access to airports and airspace,” said NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen. The Alliance For Aviation Across America (AAAA) has recently produced two videos featuring Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger speaking out against ATC privatization. Writing for Air Transport World, editor Karen Walker calls the videos "misleading" -- but does so based on supposition and details that seem short on substantiation. "Aside from misrepresenting the issue, Sullenberger accuses US airlines of “putting cost reduction ahead of safety”; that’s a shameful lie." Walker writes. The FBI is looking at a recently-discovered item that may be connected with the D.B. Cooper hijacking case, though they are not saying that it is enough to reopen the investigation. TV and film producer Tom Colbert has been working with a team of people on what is one of the most discussed cold cases in history... All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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