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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.21.17)

Aero Linx: Women Military Aviators, Inc. The organization called the Women Military Aviators, Inc. was formed by two groups of women pilots separated by 39 years of history. The first group entered history in 1942 because of the need for women pilots during World War II to perform ferry, transport, testing and other noncombat flying, which would allow more male pilots to be used for combat duties. In 1942, two highly experienced and accomplished female pilots, Jacqueline Cochran and Nancy Harkness Love, formed different but complementary flying organizations of women pilots. Their common goal was using women pilots in the war effort. On August 5, 1942, the name given to all those women pilots was the name they are known by today, the Women AirForce Service Pilots (WASP).

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