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Airborne 08.21.17: CAF's Brown Resigns, EA700 Prototype, Heli Sales Report

Also: KSFO Night Landings, Kitfox S7 Speedster, USGS, Spirit Pilots, Kratos Mako, NASA Flight Suits, CAW Five Stephan C. Brown has resigned from his post as president/CEO of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) effective August 17, 2017. Brown provided 10 years of dedicated service, leading the CAF through a transitional period and is responsible for significant accomplishments, including establishing the CAF headquarters in Dallas and initiating a campaign to construct an aviation attraction museum to be built at Dallas Executive Airport. Former CAF vice-president of safety, maintenance and operations, Robert Stenevik will serve as CAF president/CEO until a permanent president is identified. The ONE Aviation 'Canada' program, which ANN exclusively detailed last year for the first time, is about to kick into high gear. A re-winged Eclipse airframe, which will be used to document various aerodynamic aspects of the design upgrade has been shown off publicly prior to a test program that will eventually involved at least three escalating airframe programs. Following the earlier fixed wing stats, GAMA has published the second quarter rotorcraft shipment report. The rotorcraft industry delivered 465 aircraft in the first six months of 2017, an increase of 16.8 percent compared to the same period of last year. The value of the deliveries was $1.9 billion compared to $1.5 billion in 2016. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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