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Airborne 08.22.17: Privatization $$$, A Hangar for Doc, Wingsuit Jet

Also: Next X-37B Mission, Aero-Calendar, Ryanair, Citation X, Aurora, Commercial Spaceflight Federation, A&P Designation ATC Privatization will be even costlier than thought... The Congressional Budget Office has released a revised scoring of the 21st Century AIRR Act (H.R. 2997), and the news is not good for supporters of the bill and its plan to separate ATC from the FAA. In the latest cost estimate released last week, the CBO says that the AIRR Act would increase the deficit by nearly $100 billion. That's $80 billion more than their previous estimate. According to the CBO, after taking into account lost tax revenue and new or increased taxes and fees, the net outcome is an increase in the deficit of $98.5 billion. A crowdfunding campaign is underway on Kickstarter to raise money towards the construction of a new hangar for Doc, the recently-restored B-29 that appeared at AirVenture last month. The new home for Doc will be an interactive B-29 Hangar and Education Center. Generations to come would have the opportunity to enjoy and experience this prominent figure in our nation's history. B-29 Doc will act as a backdrop inside the center for the public to enjoy bits of science, technology, engineering and mathematics that go hand-in-hand with aviation. For most of us, the notion of a wingsuit flight is a pretty abstract concept. While we've watched ... sometimes in awe ... videos of human flying squirrels zooming over the ground, sometimes at treetop level or lower, it's not something we'd actually do. But there are obviously those that thrive on the adrenaline produced by such an extreme sport. One such person is Jarno Cordia, an experienced skydiver with over 5,000 skydives, 4,000 wingsuit jumps and 400 BASE jumps to his credit. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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