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Airborne 09.14.17: CAF Wings Over Dallas, Foreflight, JetBlue Pilots

Also: GAO Debunks ATC Privatization, Waco Aircraft, Whirly-Girls, Honeywell, GPS III, UAV Privacy, Embraer The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) announces the return of CAF Wings Over Dallas World War II Airshow on Oct. 6-8, 2017 at Dallas Executive Airport. More than 19,000 visitors from 32 states were drawn to the inaugural event in 2016. This year’s show will feature a 75th anniversary commemoration of the Doolittle Raid, the heroic U.S. counterattack on Japan after Pearl Harbor. A flying reenactment of the Raid will combine eight B-25 bombers, spectacular pyrotechnics, sound effects, and narration into a pulsating history lesson. There's a new version of ForeFlight available. Topping the list of new stuff for version 9.3 is a graphical Route Advisor The Route Advisor tool now gives you a visual preview of all route options on an interactive map. Tap through the list to highlight each route on the map, then tap "Select Route" to add it to your flight plan. The interactive Route Preview map also appears in the Flights view form-based planner to provide a quick visual reference of your route. JetBlue has begun accepting applications for the second cycle of its innovative new pilot recruiting pathway - Gateway Select - the airline's competency-based training program for aspiring pilots. The opening of the second window comes as JetBlue's first set of six candidates complete the airline-focused training program and continue to earn their FAA-mandated 1,500 hours of flight time. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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