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Airborne 09.15.17: More ATC Privatization Oppo, ICAO Drone Registry?, KSMO

Also: Pipistrel Charging, GA/Drones To The Rescue, Gordon Bennett, SpiceJet, United, USAF v Irma, CL-415 Six former team commanders of the USAF Thunderbirds and US Navy Blue Angels are forcefully opposing legislation that would privatize US ATC services. In a 100-second video produced by the International Council of Air Shows, Greg McWherter (Blue Angels, 2009-2012), Richard McSpadden (Thunderbirds, 2002-2003), Steve Foley (Blue Angels, 2005-2006), Brian Bishop (Thunderbirds, 1998-1999), George Dom (Blue Angels, 1997-1998) and Ron Mum (Thunderbirds, 1996-1997) urge their fellow citizens to contact their congressional representatives to tell them to vote against H.R. 2997 which is currently being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives. In addition to these six highly respected former military pilots, nearly 150 aviation organizations around the country are also actively opposing the legislation. This could get ugly... The ICAO is backing an effort to create a single global drone registry with a goal of the adoption of common rules for flying and tracking UAVs. The idea will be discussed at a symposium planned for Sept. 22-23 in Montreal, according to a report from Reuters. Stephen Creamer, director of ICAO's Air Navigation Bureau, said that the single database would become a one-stop-shop to remotely identify and track drones and their operators. An attempt by a Louisiana Congressman to pull funding for an agreement to close Santa Monica Airport (KSMO) using the appropriations process has been stymied by another member of congress who represents the California city. Congressman Ralph Abraham (R-LA) introduced an amendment to an appropriations bill that would have pulled funding for implementing the agreement worked out by Santa Monica and the FAA to shorten its only runway and fully close the airport by 2028. The process of shortening the runway is already underway. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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