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Airborne-Unmanned 09.19.17: FAA OKs FL Drone Ops, ICAO Registry?, No Pot Drones

Also: FAA Reauthorization, Medical Drone Transport, USMC Quadcopters, Canister Launched UAS, Atlas Dynamics Airborne, primarily based in Jacksonville, FL is starting to recover from Hurricane Irma, and we can thank the Unmanned community for much of that. After the widespread devastation Hurricane Irma wreaked on Florida, unmanned aircraft have been invaluable in supporting response and recovery efforts here. A wide variety of agencies sought FAA authorization to fly drones in the affected areas. The FAA responded quickly, issuing a total of well over 100 airspace authorizations. This could get ugly... The ICAO is backing an effort to create a single global drone registry with a goal of the adoption of common rules for flying and tracking UAVs. The idea will be discussed at a symposium planned for Sept. 22-23 in Montreal. Stephen Creamer, director of ICAO's Air Navigation Bureau, said that the single database would become a one-stop-shop to remotely identify and track drones and their operators. The ICAO could become the operator of such a database. This is so... California... The California Bureau of Cannabis Control has shot down the idea of delivering pot using drones in the state. The bureau released an initial study that outlined emergency regulations being formulated ahead of January 1, when the sale of marijuana will be allowed with proper retail licensing for recreational use. But the bureau was very clear that only trailers or commercial vehicles can be used. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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