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Airborne 10.18.17: Airbus C Series Deal, Red Bull!, Drone v Airline

Also: Glasair 2 And 3 Sold, Send Solutions, Blue Angels, SSBJ, D8 Airliner, Stage 5 Aircraft, Global Supertanker Airbus SE and Bombardier are to become partners on the C Series aircraft program according to an agreement signed Monday. The agreement brings the power of the Airbus' ‘machine’ into Bombardier's upstart airliner family -- and probably causes serious heartburn at Boeing. Under the agreement, Airbus will provide procurement, sales and marketing, and customer support expertise to the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP). Upon completion, Airbus will acquire a 50.01% interest in CSALP. Bombardier and Investissement Québec (IQ) will own approximately 31% and 19% respectively. In one of the most heart-stopping Final 4s in the Red Bull Air Race history, Yoshihide Muroya won the final stop on the Red Bull Air Race circuit, and with the win in Indianapolis this weekend overcame a four-point lead held by Martin Sonka to claim the 2017 World Championship. It was an extremely tense affair in the Final 4 with Muroya flying first. He not only flew the perfect run, but he also beat the track record by more than a second. On October 12, 2017, a Skyjet flight was reportedly struck by a drone while inbound to Jean Lesage International Airport in Québec City. This is the first time a drone has hit a commercial aircraft in Canada, according to a statement from the Honorable Marc Garneau, Canada's Minister of Transport. The aircraft was only slightly damaged and landed safely, according to the Canadian government. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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