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Airborne 10.19.17: 200th TBM 900-Series, MooneyShares, E-AB Accident Stats

Also: Supersonic Test, Kobe Steel, Sullenberger Awarded, A-29 Super Tucanos, Textron, 109th AW CDR Daher recently rolled out its 200th TBM 900-series very fast turboprop aircraft since the introduction of this upgraded family in March 2014. The milestone airplane, serial number 1200, is a TBM 910 version delivered to Cutter Aviation in San Antonio. Daher’s TBM 900 family is the latest and sixth evolution of the company’s very fast turboprop concept, offered today in two production versions: the TBM 930 and the TBM 910. Aircraft manufacturer Mooney International and Partners in Aviation (PIA) have announced they have formed a partnership enabling buyers to realize price and cost-of-ownership advantages. MooneyShares makes available the new Mooney Ultra aircraft to customers. PIA founders Mark Molloy and Tom Bertels, are part of the equation. Both are accomplished pilots and have an undeniably high level of understanding of customer and market needs. In September, EAA completed its annual tracking of experimental category fatal accidents. Experimental aircraft were involved in 45 fatal accidents during fiscal year 2017, with amateur-built aircraft accounting for roughly two-thirds of those accidents. As in previous years, the FAA established a “not-to- exceed” number based on a one percent reduction in accidents from the previous three-year average. The number of fatal accidents for fiscal year 2017 came in well below the not to exceed number of 59. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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