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Airborne 11.13.17: AK Aero-Taxes, T-50A Milestone, Turbo Bonanza AD

Also: Drone Registration-Part 2, Juneyao Airlines, Space Needle Drone Bust, Canadian Airlines v St. Maarten Airplanes are vital to Alaska.... there are six times as many pilots per capita, and 16 times as many airplanes per capita, as compared to the rest of the US... BUT Governor Walker (I) wants to make it more expensive to fly there. The Governor has proposed a state airplane registration system that would be used to create a database for instituting an airplane tax. The tax would be $150 on any private plane, single engine, twin, reciprocating or turboprop, and $250 on any commercial aircraft of any size. Walker has openly called the tax a user fee. Lockheed Martin test pilot Mark "Red" Ward reached a new milestone by becoming the first pilot to reach 100 flight hours in the T-50A, their offering for the USAF's Advanced Pilot Training (APT) competition. Ward passed the 100-hour mark shortly after take-off from Greenville on the way to the 2017 Joint Base San Antonio Air Show and Open House at JBSA-Lackland Kelly Field Annex in Texas, which took place Nov. 4-5. The FAA has posted a proposed revision to an NPRM for an AD that originally applied to Models A36TC and B36TC airplanes. The revision adds all Textron Aviation Inc. Models S35, V35, V35A, and V35B airplanes that have the optional turbocharger engine installed. The original NPRM, published on April 12, 2017, was prompted by a fatal accident where the exhaust tailpipe fell off during takeoff. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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