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Airborne 11.15.17: XCOR BK, V-22 Osprey Milestone, GAMA 3rd Quarter Stats

Also: UK Airport Cancellation, Gone West: Robert Wagstaff, EASA Certifies Bell 505, USN's 1st MQ-4C Triton This is a heartbreaker, as we were big fans of XCOR Aerospace -- which filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, according to federal court documents filed last week. The 18-year-old company will be liquidated in an effort to satisfy its creditors. According to the court filing, XCOR has assets valued at between $1 million and $10 million, against liabilities estimated between $10 million and $50 million. Bell Helicopter and Boeing have marked a milestone for the Bell Boeing V-22 fleet of tiltrotor aircraft, including both CV-22 and MV-22 variants. The aircraft has surpassed 400,000-flight hours. The V-22 Osprey has been continuously deployed since entering service in 2007 with the US Marine Corps (USMC) and the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) in 2009. GAMA has published the 2017 third quarter shipment and billings for GA aircraft. General aviation airplane shipments increased by 1.7 percent and rotorcraft shipments increased by 7.7 percent, year-to-date. Airplane billings, however, declined slightly to $13.2 billion, a 2.8 percent decrease over 2016, while rotorcraft billings increased by 8.8 percent, to $2.7 billion. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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