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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.11.17)

Aero Linx: National Association of Flight Instructors Founded in 1967, NAFI is dedicated exclusively to "raising and maintaining the professional standing of the flight instructor in the aviation community." Through the years, NAFI has kept that pledge. Now, more than ever before, we are moving to enhance this original commitment. NAFI is not only the national association that serves the full spectrum of the flight instructor community, but also maintains the finest benefits package available for everyone from the independent instructor to those teaching at flight schools. NAFI recognizes that flight instructors are truly the "teachers of flight" as well as the front line for "quality control" in our aviation world. The association’s efforts focus on the needs of its members. While members benefit in different ways from NAFI membership, the most important reason for being a part of NAFI is supporting the flight instructor’s responsibility to all of aviation and commitment to professionalism.

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