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Airborne 01.15.18: SpaceShipTwo Update, Intel CEO Flies Volocopter, R66 Global

Also: Workhorse SureFly Not Flying Yet, GovSat-1, ‘Even More Girls-In Tech’, Alaska A/L VSS Unity has successfully completed her seventh glide flight. In the few months since Unity's last flight, the team has worked through a planned period of focused ground time. This involved extensive analysis, testing and small modifications to ensure vehicle readiness for the higher loads and forces of powered test flight. That work was tested Thursday by pushing Unity’s atmospheric capabilities hard, touching top-end glide speeds as pilots Mark ‘Forger’ Stucky and Michael ‘Sooch’ Masucci completed a busy test card. During last week’s Intel keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show, German Air Taxi company Volocopter said that it has flown Intel CEO Brian Krzanich as the very first passenger of a Volocopter. “That was fantastic. That was the best flight I have ever had. Everybody will fly one of these someday.” said Krzanich after completing the flight. The flight was remotely piloted and took place in an exhibition hall in Germany in December 2017. Three friends are planning to circumnavigate the globe in a Robinson R66 helicopter beginning in May to talk about entrepreneurship and healthy lifestyles. The "EPIC" Tour ... an acronym for Empowering People Inspiring Change... will take off on May 1 from Whistler, Canada and land 84 days later, if all goes according to plan. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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