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Airborne 02.14.18: PC-24 Delivered!, Another Icon Sinks, Replica Apollo Computer

Also: LEAP Engine, Gogo AVANCE L3, DC Small Aircraft Detection, 2017 Airline Bumping Rate In a ceremony held at Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd in Broomfield, CO, the first production PC-24 twin jet was handed over to U.S. customer PlaneSense. The aircraft is the first of six PC-24s which PlaneSense has on order with Pilatus. In addition to the larger cabin and faster speed, PlaneSense will take advantage of the PC-24’s unique cargo door, short field performance, and ability to land on grass runways to access locations which traditional business jets are unable to use. It’s a regrettably familiar story... The pilot of an Icon A5 ran into problems after landing in the water near Lighthouse Beach Park on Sanibel Island, FL Friday. FAA records indicate that it is owned by Jet Mist Holdings LLC, which is incorporated in Connecticut. The airplane was issued an airworthiness certificate on December 20 of last year. According to the report, the plane landed safely in San Carlos Bay, but began taking on water. It became too heavy to take off again. A couple of entrepreneurs who were not even teenagers when the Apollo 11 mission first placed men on the Moon have launched a Kickstarter campaign to build replicas of the DSKY (Display Keyboard) interface used on every Apollo mission. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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