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Airborne 03.16.18: Military UFO Sightings, Air Race Classic, Airshow Struggles

Also: Rostec To Build TVS-2DTS, Army Acquiring More Lakotas, Camden Spaceport Draft EIS, Lost WWII Airman Returns Are THEY out There? Really? Video captured by the crew of an F/A-18 Hornet in 2015 has been released by the U.S. Government that appears to show a UFO streaking over the Atlantic Ocean off the eastern U.S. coast. The video was released by the Stars Academy, which did not disclose how it obtained the declassified footage, but said it is available through the Freedom of Information Act process. During Women’s History Month, the Air Race Classic, the annual all-women cross-country airplane race, is announcing a new campaign to educate the public about the role of women in aviation by seeking past and present racers to share their stories. Meet the Racer Mondays will introduce some of the bold competitors who have flown the Air Race Classic and/or their predecessor races, the Powder Puff Derby and the All Women's Transcontinental Air Race. Influential Women Wednesdays will profile women — both historical figures and present-day pioneers — who have made significant contributions to aviation and to promoting women in the field. The Vanderhoof, British Columbia,. International Air Show may fall victim to funding cuts following a change in the provincial government. Tom Bulmer, co-chair of the popular event, said that the show is "just not seeing the level of support from the B.C. government that we’ve had in the past.” Bulmer said that the organizers have reached out to multiple people to make an appeal to the government to restore funding for the show, but so far, they have been unsuccessful. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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