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Airborne 03.21.18: Cessna SkyCourier, Sporty's Foundation, RWY Collision

Also: Airborne Schedule, EAA-Sporty's, 10,000th 737, Continental Motors Initial wind tunnel testing of the new twin-engine Cessna SkyCourier turboprop has been completed. Results from comprehensive wind tunnel tests will provide performance and aerodynamic characteristics and structural load data, further finalizing the aircraft design. “For the initial wind tunnel testing, we use a custom, precision model with electric motors and scaled propellers calibrated to represent the thrust produced by the real aircraft,” said Brad Thress, senior vice president, Engineering. The Sporty’s Foundation made bequests totaling $284,900 during 2017 to fulfill its goal to attract young people to the aviation community. The Foundation issued its most recent Annual Report, which may be seen online at The Sporty’s Foundation remains among the largest donors to EAA’s Young Eagles program, both from a financial commitment as well as by making Sporty’s award-winning Learn to Fly course available at no charge to all Young Eagles. The number of Young Eagles who have accessed this course recently surpassed 50,000. Two Cirrus aircraft were involved in an accident at Palatka Municipal Airport (28J) late last week. There were three people on board the two airplanes, but no one was injured, according to authorities. An SR22 was being flown by 40-year-old Robert Jack Daniel Meier, a former member of the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL team. The other aircraft was being flown by 29-year-old Luis Andres Salvador Zamb of Deland. The passenger aboard the SR20 was Xiao Wang, 28, of Sanford. The FAA said that the SR20 landed on runway 27 at 28J first, and the SR22 landed on top of the other airplane. No other details were provided. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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