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Airborne-NextGen 03.26.24: Joby Joins USAF, GoDrone 2.0, Airtext Spoof-Proofing

Also: Altitude Angel, AeroMech Starlink STC, True Blue Power TB50, Remote ID Authorizations Joby Aviation committed to delivering an additional 2 eVTOL aircraft to MacDill Air Force Base under the branch's continued testing of novel tech. The delivery is set to take place next year under the AFWERX Agility Prime contract. Joby originally delivered the first of its eVTOLs to Edwards AFB in 2023. Netherlands ANSP LVNL and Altitude Angel broke news of a revamped iteration of GoDrone's flight planning app. GoDrone has managed to secure a strong foothold in the domestic Dutch market since its launch in the Spring of 2020. The company's UTM software has continued to build speed at a number of British airfields, too. end Solutions brought out their Spoof Proof Airtext+ product line, capping off "extensive research and development efforts" with an independently created, secure GPS receiver. The threat of GPS spoofing hasn't yet caught on too deeply in the industry, but it's one of the more troubling new-tech concerns for those aware of how fast state-of-the-art can move. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-NextGen!!!

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