Author Topic: Claudel Hopson!  (Read 2426 times)

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Offline cygnet

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2004, 06:34:53 pm »
It was Hitler I forgot about !! but then theres nothing new about that !
Trust all is well  in the Don !!
Any scandal ??
how was JK on his visit ??


Offline Bitch

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2004, 07:22:50 am »
Hi Boys,
Good to see the banter going. One of my own boys at home has just joined Her Majestys Armed Forces. Now I know why I did not reccomend the Air Corps to him.......Wollie teaching I wonder did that have anything to do with that decision. Shame I did not know you were coming over Johnny Brit would of took you for a flight in the Coastguard S61, real SAR heli. Sorry to hear of PONs illness, shame it always happens to the nice guys. Ill be in the Don myself on Mon 15th Nov, might catch one ro two of you then. Bye for now.


Offline John K

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2004, 11:32:11 am »
Thanks for the tour, Claudel.Hope they didn't keep you up too late on Wednesday!
Bitch, how's it going? Are you based in Dublin Airport? Next time I'm heading over I'll try to let you know in advance and pay you a visit. I might even take you up on the flip, can I bring the kids?
I couldn't believe how Dublin has changed, though. We spent the rest of the day in the city, saw the PC9s flying over, and did some shopping, but there's a real buzz in Dublin that I don't remember from when I lived there. I just hope EU Jet keep going so I can get over more often.
Although the best bit was the view over Kent on the approach to Manston, with Canterbury cathedral lit up and to top it all a five minute drive home instead of the rigmarole of LHR or LGW.
Thanks again, Claudel, sorry I didn't get to shittalk with you Cygnet, maybe next time?
best wishes, JK

Offline Airman Stall

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2004, 11:35:03 am »
Hi All,  Nice to hear where all the old sweats are gone  and what they are doing.  Is Woolie a civic instructor or is he still in uniform? Sackie Ferris is in OZ , working for Hawker DeHavillan.  Cheers  Stally

Offline John K

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2004, 05:44:02 pm »
Stally, what have you been up to lately? come to think of it you dissappeared at around the same time as FF......I think we should be told!
(only joking!) Have you heard from Sack Ferris? Paddy Myles was trying to get in touch with him.

Offline fil the fluter

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2004, 11:05:19 pm »
Ah me fading memory,I remember now Sacky went down under to Qantas.Stally how are things down there are ye gearin' up for a few prawns on the barbie at Christmas and a couple o' tinnies.Do you see Sacky at all? ':p'  ':p'

Offline Airman Stall

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2004, 11:18:05 am »
Hello All,  I'am back as bold as ever ready to put people and institutions in there place, only if needed of course. Yes, will be throwing a few prawns and T-Bones on the old barbie and washing them down with a few cold cold cold beers.  (they help me forget) Looks like its going to be a long hot summer here in the land of milk and honey. No I haven't seen Sacky Ferris around lately.  John K hows all in BA.  Stally.

Offline John K

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2004, 07:54:39 pm »
'Cash is King!' at BA, but they're still downsizing, threats of 'A' checks done elsewhere, our costs are too high, etc, etc, they won't offer voluntary severance 'cos they know they'd be deluged! most of the blokes are just working toward their pensions.
Trouble is we've got quite an old workforce, although they say we're overstaffed at the moment, in 2 years time we'll be at the right level (or thereabouts) due to retirements, but in 4 years time we'll be in dire straights 'cos the rest of the workforce will be retiring and there's no one training apprentices to fill the void. Most of the blokes I work with are in their 50s, the youngest bloke is in his 30s. But they still like to beat us with the big stick, costs in South Africa are £17/hr, ours are £70/hr! All 'cos we take too long on our tea breaks!
Do you see J. Kenny at all? or G. Gibney? say hello to them from me if you do see them. Cheers, JK

Offline Airman Stall

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2004, 10:16:38 am »
Don't talk to me about big sticks,  QF managment have being beating us with one for years,  costs costs and more costs.  We can get aircraft fixed in Pakistan for half that it costs us here and a quarter in Ethopia so pull your socks up and thank God you have a job, Blah Blah and more Blah.  But the company still makes a fat profit every year and the board vote them selves a nice little pay increase.   A few years ago we had to got a few 767 A Checks done over seas and when the tenders came back the cheapest one out there was supposed to be more expensive than what we were doing them for in Syd but they kept that quite.  No I seldom see J Kenny or G Gibney around.  Do you get to go home to the old sod ofton?  whats staff travel like in BA?  Shorter flight that what we have to live with living in the great South Land. Stally.

Offline John K

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« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2004, 01:45:24 pm »
Hi Stally, having lived in Slough I can imagine the quality of the Aircraft on its return from Pakistan! We've also had experience of work done elsewhere and on it's return it spends a few days in the hangar getting stuff sorted that should have been done during the check!
No I don't get across to Dublin as often as I'd like to! I'm now living 100 miles from Heathrow and 80 odd from Gatwick, not too much of a problem on nightshift, 1 and a half hours driving each way, but also there's the hassle of parking,standby, etc. In September an Irish low cost airline, EuJet, started operating from Manston, only 3 miles from my house. PJ McGoldrick is the boss, ex Donner, and I flew across with them a couple of weeks ago for £25 all in, better than Staff Travel and a firm seat! And without the slog to LHR or LGW and back! I've sent a CV to them but they want Fokker 100 cover. 747s not good enough for them!
I spent a day in the 'Don with RSM Gr**n! Claudel showed me around the PC9s (thanks again, for that, Claudel!) Excellent museum in what was the old Heli hangar, then a bit of time in Dublin, not long enough, so I hope to get back again soon!
There was a real buzz in the city, so much had changed since I last went there, usually I just pass through if I'm on my motorbike, or spend time with the relatives/friends etc. I hope to fly over for the Skerries bike races, I could do that in a day!
Enjoy the Xmas barbies! JK

Offline Bitch

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2004, 12:28:36 pm »
Hi JK,
Yes I'm in Dublin Airport over the "Far Side" as they say, next to Aer Lingus Commuter. Please feel free to drop in for the Grand Tour. Let me know when you are coming over next.
Happy Christmas to you and your gang.... and a happy christmas to all "Donners" as well. '<img'>

Offline fil the fluter

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2004, 12:18:37 am »
JK speaking of RSM's is there any truth in the rumour josh is one now and did he ever end up marrying that girl '<img'>  '<img'>

Offline John K

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2004, 02:34:39 am »
Hi Fil, I think Josh is the RSM in AE section, I didn't get to see him when I was over, as for the female.......?
Sorry, Bitch, I didn't get time to drop in on you, hopefully  next time I'm over I'll make time!

Offline fil the fluter

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2004, 11:08:18 pm »
Wishing all Donners and exers a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

'<img'>  '<img'>

Offline John K

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Claudel Hopson!
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2005, 10:19:04 pm »
Yeah, and Best wishes to all Donners! exers as well!