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Messages - pym

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Irish Air Corps / Fouga details?
« on: February 10, 2005, 11:20:29 pm »

Best Fouga  guide i've found - heres some information relevant to your post:

"192 gallons (total) of fuel is carried in two fuselage tanks. An additional 32 gallons is carried in each tip tank. Fuel in the tip tanks is burned first, and does not register on the fuel gauge. Indicator lights show when the tip tanks are empty. The tip tanks must be empty before spins are attempted. Each tip tank is equipped with a fuel dump valve to ensure that the tanks are empty. "

I think there might have been 64 gallon tip tanks available but not sure if they were used here. And unfortunately I think the Fouga in that guide uses the older Marbores, I think the IAC used Marbore VI's...

Just found the site you need:
Fuel Burn at Altitude 119 g/hr


Irish Air Corps / Baldonnel to 'go civvie' again?
« on: February 04, 2005, 12:33:51 am »
I think there is an legitimate argument for locating the majority of Air Corps operations in Shannon - but based on the reaction of some of its members to being based on a ship for a few weeks, a permanent move to Shannon might be just too much hardship for certain people to take.

Taking a few massive leaps into the dim and distant future - I cant see the Air Corps operating fast jets regularly from Baldonnel without local uproar... hence a possible move to Shannon.... Also taking another massive leap and requiring some imagination.. not.. would be Ireland joining Nato. Shannon could become quite a military installation. While Baldonnel would cater mainly for commuter airlines, i.e. flying ATR 42's & BAE 146s. While still having helicopters based there as well as the ever so important MATS.

Still fear not ye stirrers of poo, Shannon will probably never become a full time military base and the Air Corps wont operate noisey jets or partake in invading anything from the size of  Rockall, up.

Irish Air Corps / IFR Training / Garda Co-Op?!
« on: January 28, 2005, 11:49:33 am »
Anyone that lives in the vicinity of Naas is now extremely familiar with the sound of the PC-9 '<img'>

The only other aircraft it could conceivably of been was the King Air but I'm 99.9999999% sure it wasnt. Cue one of the lads in Baldonnel (or FiannaFail) telling me that it was ':O'

Point taken about the Garda Helicopters being lit up, but to be honest I didnt bother going out,I was on the computer at the time, hence me being able to post on the board.

It was interesting, about half an hour before the main "circuits" of the two aircraft started, I heard a PC-9 fly over. Then I heard the helicopter, than I heard them both fly over on at least four seperate occasions over a short space of time.

Either way it had to of been Air Corp or Garda equipment, hence my interest.

Irish Air Corps / IFR Training / Garda Co-Op?!
« on: January 26, 2005, 10:44:58 pm »
Any notions why a PC-9 and a helicopter are doing some manner of flying together over Naas right now (10:30pm) and have been for at least an half hour?

I think it's one of the Garda helicopters (it's not an A3 or Dauphin based on sound - and i damn well cant see it with no light '<img'> )

I fully understand if nothing can be said right now due to this being an operation, but at some point in the future I'd like to hear what was going on. Cheers

Irish Air Corps / Happy Christmas 2005
« on: December 16, 2004, 12:12:40 am »
Just a post to wish everyone involved in the Air Corps, Defence Forces and everyone on this board a happy Christmas and a safe new year  '<img'>

I know it's early but what the hey, I probably wont be on again before christmas

Irish Air Corps / Armed PC-9 pictures
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:37:40 pm »
Silver dont hold us in suspense - just take 20 random shots '<img'>

What kind of camera set up have you got?

Irish Air Corps / What aircraft would you like to see in AC service?
« on: December 14, 2004, 06:34:42 pm »
I've been on this board too long; my first thought was "where does the VIP sit?".. then I was thinking.. hmm the GASU will be wanting one of these before too long as well...

Anyway, seriously, what prices are we talking about for these helicopters?

It looks like a quality piece of kit but one cant help thinking that this is something Irish governments will leave to other countries to provide our forces when on hostile environments.

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps aircraft bugging
« on: December 13, 2004, 07:43:53 pm »
Hey Silver - I think the chances of bugging in the manner you suggest are slim. If the government aircraft are serviced here - bugs will be found - and if Military intelligence had any inklings about a threat I'm sure they'd search the aircraft. (For all I know they do it as a matter of course.) Most bugs are very easy to find with the right equipment.

There is of course intelligence gathering going on all the time and I'd say the main culprits over the years were (are) of course our British friends, the aformentioned tower was for all telecommunications as far as I know, e-mails etc. If you do a traceroute of your access to even an irish website, you may actually discover you route through British servers. Its hardly conspiracy material, just a fact of life with some ISPs.

Obviously the British wanted to keep tabs on the IRA but the sophistication and degree of money obviously spent on the effort is pretty mind blowing. I'd imagine the phones of everyone involved in the peace process are still most probably tapped.

On a sidenote whether fact or fiction Ireland is reputed to be a member of Echelon and based on the budget we do have some manner of secret service ourselves. Again - almost certainly solely concerned with Counter-Terrorism rather than spying on other nations.

Irish Air Corps / Helicopters spotted
« on: November 14, 2004, 01:58:28 pm »
Just saw 2 Blue EC-135's in loose trailing formation over Naas, flying -roughly- towards Baldonnel. I couldnt get any registration and for all I know they were on their way to a race meeting, but there were two flying together which was interesting.


Irish Air Corps / What aircraft would you like to see in AC service?
« on: November 13, 2004, 08:57:32 pm »
The A-10 is a complete non starter - people would go nuts at the prospect of having an aircraft that used depleted uranium shells. The costs of its weapons would be prohibitive. And it would be a grossly overpriced clay pigeon to any aircraft that met it - i.e. we still wouldnt have anything near capable of an intercept.

What would I suggest? Well this potenital solution has been doing the rounds for an eternity, not that anyones listened. Either the Mako, Mig AT, F/T - 50... insert your modern advanced trainer capable of carrying AA missiles and travelling at transonic speeds here.

Irish Air Corps / PC-9's to fly over city!
« on: November 11, 2004, 09:37:20 pm »
I saw the four ship of PC-9's in a tight Diamond formation over Busarus on Wednesday, banking slightly, was very impressed - top flying

Irish Air Corps / Last Dauphin SAR flight
« on: October 22, 2004, 11:09:58 am »
That's a shock! Why on earth Scandanavia though?

I assume the A3's will be operating for a long time to come then as well?...the Air Corps might have 20 helicopters.. where they all going to be put?!

Irish Air Corps / Last Dauphin SAR flight
« on: October 22, 2004, 10:54:54 am »
From what I've heard others say, our versions of the Dauphin are quite different to those operated by any other service - with Irish specific equipment on board. This means an upgrade would cost alot more money. At least two airframes have been cannibalised and again based on what I've heard, the Daupins are not particularly liked.

To me it's perfectly logical to get rid of the Dauphins/A3 and replace them with a fleet of new helicopters. Although I have a feeling that the A3's could go on for ever, they are a fantastic helicopter - just saw two doing formation flying a few minutes ago.

We'd all like to see the Blackhawk but what are the chances? '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Dealing with problems
« on: October 20, 2004, 08:15:43 pm »
Well the big problem as you say the politicians ego versus the benefit of the state, which is hillarious when you think about it.

I think the Tallaght strategy was a failed attempt at something similar, aimed at helping the government of the day deal with the economic crisis in the country - it was instigated by Alan Dukes which led to the party (Fine Gail) promptly imploding with the clashing egos being robbed of something to beat Fianna Fail over the heads with...

Irish Air Corps / Dealing with problems
« on: October 20, 2004, 07:53:47 pm »
Just a crazy idea here:

We have a poorly equipped defence force, the healthcare system isnt working as well as it should (to put it mildly) and the transport infrastructure across the country needs further investment. All of the areas require large outlay of capital and sorting out all of these problems takes alot of time and planning.

We live in a Republic and as such every few years the people in power could be completely different. The problem being - if a government instigated a program of investment, their plans can get stuffed when the new crowd get into power. Then in turn they are taken out of power... their plans are lost and on and on..

Lets just say there was a 10-15 year plan of investment for the Defence forces, which basically over time would aim towards bringing all branches up to a high operational standard which could contribute to the EU RRF. All the parties would be consulted and would contribute to the plans final drafting so that it would be acceptable to all.
Is it possible for a government to get all parties or at least the major parties to sign up to this so that the plans would be largely immune to shifts in power, i.e. the plan continues to be implemented whoever is in power. The benifits being obvious.

This could work in Transport and Health as well and it would make sense.

But with these issues then no longer up for debate, would politicians have for want of a better expression - the balls to do what's best for this country? Defence isnt as widly debated as Health for instance and it might be easier to get multi party approval for a plan.

Anyway, just an idea.... feedback please

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