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Messages - Machlooper

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Aviation News / Re: USS Enterprise to visit Dublin?
« on: April 03, 2012, 08:00:45 am »
She won't be launching and recovering anything if shes parked off Dun Laoghaire or anywhere else for that matter, apart from helicopters. She has to be sailing to launch and recover fixed wing aircraft so maybe they might send something ashore somewhere ?? Baldonnell ?

Eh...See my previous post Vulcan  :thumbsup:

If you remember when the JFK visited they were launching aircraft into Irish airspace long before they parked up in Dublin bay. With regards to Baldonnel , no U.S Navy fast jets will land there as there isn't an arrestor wire / Barrier in place which is the requirement for USN/USAF fast jets to land at an airfield with a runway  under a certain length.
If they send anything it will more than likely be into EIDW.

Aviation News / Re: USS Enterprise to visit Dublin?
« on: April 02, 2012, 06:33:27 pm »
Wonder if they'd let any of the IAC guys in the back seat of an FA-18 for a lauch/landing?

They'll all be jumping on the bandwagon  :airforce_wink:

Aviation News / Re: USS Enterprise to visit Dublin?
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:03:28 pm »
Thats a pity...  I cant find any mention of that law about them being banned from Irish waters, any chance you could post a link??

It's just an assumtion to be honest. Havnt seen that law myself but remember that vessel that was carrying nuclear waste a couple of years ago that was told to steer clear of Irish waters ? I've seen armed vessels in our waters though!!!
Either way, there's nothing to stop her parking off the coast  ;D

Aviation News / Re: USS Enterprise to visit Dublin?
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:09:19 pm »
Been on the cards for quite a while but everyones keeping quite due to the obvious circumstances of such a visit, ie tree-hugger protest fest as well as the more serious threats.
Can't see it happening as Nuclear Vessels aren't allowed in Irish waters, unless it parks outside our waters.
I'm assuming this will be the case and it will launch Hornets to fly over the Notre Dame V Navy game at the Aviva stadium (the reason for the visit).
If it does drop in, it will be its last ever stop off as it will then be returning to Norfolk, VA to be scrapped :(((

Aviation Videos / Re: AH-64 Apache Crash Afghanistan
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:56:41 am »
Ooops!! :duh:

Aviation Waffle / Re: Traffic over north western Europe today.
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:00:55 pm »
Hi Claudel,
               That's where I took this from. Have it as an App on my phone.

Aviation Photography / Re: Night Photo's
« on: March 11, 2012, 05:02:38 pm »
Hi Paul,

        Looks like there may still be a wee bit of a colour cast off the lights. Is the aircraft actually white?
I usually play around with the dropper tool on various highlights and greys until I think the whites are white ;)

Aviation Waffle / Traffic over north western Europe today.
« on: March 11, 2012, 12:54:14 pm »
Just a quick snapshot of traffic over europe at 12.30 today...
(this doesn't include military or general aviation)
Amazing ....

Aviation Waffle / Re: Movements lists
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:36:55 am »
Well said Frank  :applause:

Aviation Photography / Re: Night Photo's
« on: March 06, 2012, 06:32:58 pm »
Eh, sorry for the typos !! Bloody iPhone !!!

Aviation Photography / Re: Night Photo's
« on: March 06, 2012, 02:34:38 pm »
Hi Paul,
          It's a case of playing around with the sliders until your happy with the image. Exposure adjustment is handy and In the top right you'll have a drop down menu for colour balance. Select custom and an eye dropper tool will appear. Use this to click in a white or light grey piece of the image and it will give you the proper white balance. The Mountain symbol will open up the sharpness adjust meant. I usually put this to .6 pixels and between 20 and 40 strength though that probably overkill a bit. Alm I can say is okay around till you happy and save your settings or I'd you uss your settings that your happy with you can choose to use previous conversion in the right hand drop down menu and just fine tune from there.
Hope this makes a little bit of sense???

Aviation Photography / Re: Night Photo's
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:29:01 pm »
Hi Paul,
          Your going about it the right way. I shoot manual at 100 ISO and adjust the shutter speed and aperture on the internal light meter. May I suggest you shoot RAW and use the eye-dropper tool in PS to fix the WB.
This shot is 100 iso and 13 secs @ f/8 (I think, off the top of my head)....

Grumman S-2F3AT Turbo Firecat - Click here for larger image

Brilliant Tony!!!  :rotfl:
I remember cartridge starting a Chippie in Gormo and the Bert telling us it was the last one (cartridge) and if didn't work we'd have to hand swing it  :jaw-dropping:
It did work :applause:
I since found out he had loads of them in his office a box and the radiator , keeping them dry  :yikes:

Today marks a sad day in the Air Corps history. With the public service pensions deadline reached many have jumped ship from the Air Corps and Defence Forces as a whole with many more to go despite the deadline.

But rather than harp on about these hard times I'm hoping exer's , serving members (be sensible) and joe public can use this thread to share happy and funny memories of the Air Corps, wheather it be a funny incident in the hanger or where you a spectator at an Air Spectacular?

I myself have many many memories spanning over 25 years but I'd like to open the floor to yours.......


Irish Air Corps / Re: Air Corps: Value for Money?
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:01:09 pm »
Actually ,
              I retract my last post and I'm gracefully bowing out of this topic.
Hope yis have fun  :sleepy:

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