Author Topic: RIAT 2007  (Read 5174 times)

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Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2007, 02:54:26 pm »
It seems anyone  visiting sunday's Display at RIAT 2007 Fairford are in for  a treat!

 Just swiped this News story taken from the RIAT 2007 Home page


Travelling on a jumbo jet will never be the same again for thousands of spectators at this summer’s Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire after they witness exactly what the aircraft is really capable of.

The Oasis Hong Kong Airlines 747 jumbo jet will be put through its paces on the final day of the airshow to illustrate that even large aircraft can possess remarkable agility. In a series of dramatic flypasts, pilots Douglas Millerin and Trevor Cox will demonstrate the maneuverability and climbing ability of the largest passenger aircraft currently in commercial service.

The Hong Kong based airliner, which weighs 400 tons and has a cruising speed of 565mph, is set to be the largest aircraft to take part in the Air Tattoo’s mammoth eight-hour flying display on Sunday, July 15.

Air Tattoo Director Tim Prince said the Oasis 747-400 would add a new – and welcome - dimension to this summer’s flying display."

Lets hope they remember to emty the food storage and passangeres first!!!!

He He

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Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2007, 09:14:04 pm »
Hi all
It confirmed that The vulcan will be a no show at RIAT 2007 what a pity!!!! '<img'>
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Offline Vulcan

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2007, 10:22:14 pm »
Quote (joey1 @ 02 July 2007,12:14)
Hi all
It confirmed that The vulcan will be a no show at RIAT 2007 what a pity!!!! '<img'>

I know, sob! sob! '<img'>  'banghead'   Maybe next year.

Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #48 on: July 03, 2007, 09:11:04 pm »
Hi Vulcan

Even the Vulcan as a static would have been impressive

But it's not all bad news though!
They have extended the show an extra " 45 MINUTES” to Accommodate all the aircraft ( i thought for rain stoppage would have been the reason )
I think A packed lunch + Flask o tea and a Deck chair will be a must have on the day
Not forgetting a rain coat   He He
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Offline Vulcan

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #49 on: July 03, 2007, 09:49:06 pm »

Yep, the weather does'nt look that great but the forecast for Salthill this far ahead said that it would be only cloudy with prolonged sunny spells!! Just shows you, fingers crossed.  It'll be good anyway, I feel sure.  I think the the 45 mins added is more likely to be to accomadate the Thunderbirds pre-show prancing about.  Must make sure we get up and extra 30 mins early to be sure and see the Finnish F-18, that I'm looking forward to seeing.

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2007, 06:00:49 pm »
Among the updates for today, the last one are SU-30 Flankers flying 'applause' Air corps AW139 and a total of 3 E-3D sentry's.  RAF Nimrod MR2A and VC 10 for static  RAF Harrier GR7 for static. Finnish Casa.  Nice few bits there.  the full list should be up on the RIAT sight soon.

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2007, 06:15:03 pm »
Some more

C-20H  S

C-17A  SP
C-130J S

Dutch AF
C-130H S
F-16 S
F-16 F

thats 10 so far

Slovenia AF
PC-9 x2 F/S

Spanish AF


Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #52 on: July 07, 2007, 12:48:47 am »
Hi Vulcan

Where are they going to Squeeze all these static Aircraft

I was on the Riat2007  Blog and there is a lot of concern about security & weather  I was assuming that security would be tight  and  expecting a long Que , Some of the regular visitors where saying 2 hour Qs  were to be expected

Wondering how far is it from entrance to display area cos  I don’t wanna miss anything !!!!
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Offline Vulcan

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #53 on: July 07, 2007, 09:04:50 am »
I was expecting it to take ages last year to get in.  The security even then was high, with hand held airport style metal detectors and all bags searched so I couldn't see what else they could do.  Lats year we were in in about 15-20 min.  If you ignore all the distractions, like static F-117's you can make it to the dispaly line in about 10 mins depending on where on the line you want to be.  I am just going to get up and grab the earliest breakfast the B&b can provide and get down to the bus station for the shuttle.  The static park is about 1 1/2 miles in length so there is plenty of room for all the static stuff.  I believe you are going on the Saturday only, you are lucky as the Flanker(s) are only flying on Sat.  Lets hope the weather is at least average.

Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #54 on: July 07, 2007, 05:43:37 pm »
Hi Vulcan

Unfortunately im only visiting Sundays show  
It will be very late afternoon flight Sat ETA around 7pm maybe later depending on trains Ect.

 I hopefully get a pic of of one  of the static  SU-30s on Sunday
As for the Thunderbirds pre show warm-up!
That’ll be my que to q for a burger  

He He  
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Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #55 on: July 07, 2007, 06:21:52 pm »

I thouht you were going on the Saturday, never mind, you will get to see the Hong Kong Oasis 747 thats flying on Sunday only.  Never know, we may bump into you around the static park some where.  Quite agree with you about the Thunderbirds warm up routine, I wont be hanging around there for that.  Hope you enjoy it anyway, I'm sure you will.

Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2007, 12:17:45 pm »
Hi Vulcan

A Last minute change in plan meant that I couldn’t get out till late sat afternoon
My bills never take weekend breaks ,so a bit of Saturday morning overtime was needed to have a worry free weekend!!
As for bumping into one another you won’t be able to miss me. BIG EARS Silly T-Shirt
And probably sampling some of swindon’s finest Guinness but only 1 or 2, cos we’ll need to be up before the sun rises
so early I may be doing breakfast myself!!

Thanks again for all your travel tips and I hope you’ll have a great weekend
Just remember to bring plenty of memory cards for your camera
Cos your gonna need em!!!! 'thumbsup'

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Offline Vulcan

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #57 on: July 11, 2007, 09:56:06 am »
Myself and my sons will be most likely be wearing Salthill air show T-shirts

Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #58 on: July 11, 2007, 03:03:22 pm »

I’ll keep a eye out….
 I assume that there will be a modest participation of Irish visitors to the show
Along with forum members & Not forgetting our very own IAC crews ect…..
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Offline joey1

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RIAT 2007
« Reply #59 on: July 13, 2007, 01:11:25 pm »
Hi Vulcan
You were probably on your way to Bristol  when I found this gem

A Vulcan at Greenhan Common Air Tattoo 1983
Vulcan display with a familiar commentator aswell
click oon this link:

May You Be In Heaven Half an hour before The Devil Knows Your Dead